Newsletter header

Vol. XLVIII, Issue 3

March 18, 2022

Presidents Perspective Dr. Zawisza

by: Joseph M.P. Zawisza, DO

Oh, You're a Doctor!

How did you read this title?

A few months ago when I was waiting to check in at the hotel where I was attending a conference, a man who clearly felt he was very important walked in front of the check-in line that had assembled and demanded something from the desk clerk. I’m sure we’ve all been in that position before and usually, the offender is just asking a quick question with little harm done. That was not the situation that day; he was rather rude with his request. In an attempt to calm her impatient customer, she asked the man what he did for a living as she waited for something to appear on her computer screen. He gave a quick reply, and her response generated the topic of this article. Thankfully, she did not ask my occupation when I got to the desk; after witnessing the interaction I think I might have been embarrassed to answer.

There are many meanings this exclamation could carry. Did it come up in conversation when you were meeting people, perhaps your future spouse’s family for the first time? Did you have the privilege to be in the right place at the right time and step in to save someone’s life when no one else knew what to do? Or maybe you are reading this on Match Day – I pray after good news – and just realized, “Oh, you’re about to be a doctor!” Hopefully, when we hear it though, it is an acknowledgment of the respect that our vocation has carried through history guided by our humility for the opportunity we have been given to serve others.

So, why am I sermonizing here? Fortunately, most of the time when I’ve heard this to myself or colleagues it did carry that air. I suspect I’m preaching to the choir here. Most of us realize that our vocation involves more than just going and sitting in an exam room all day writing prescriptions. We’re entrusted to be leaders for our patients and in our communities. Perhaps that means showing up at your patient’s bedside at two in the morning to get them admitted. Perhaps it means coaching your child’s baseball team or serving as a reader in your church. Maybe you hold a local government position.

Regardless of your role as a leader, one thing that I believe all great leaders have in common is leading by example. Think of Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, George Washington, and the list goes on. They all practiced what they preached and were “in the trenches” with those they led. Rarely do you hear of a king or queen who ruled from their throne as a great leader.

So today, I’m not coming to you asking for your service, though of course that is always welcomed and encouraged. I’m letting you know that POMA, your professional organization, is here to serve you so that you can serve others. I hope that you have seen the value of that through the life of your membership, however long that may have been, and that you will continue to take advantage of this value. If you haven’t already done so you can renew your membership HERE.

With all this in mind, let us always remember the last line of the Osteopathic Pledge of Commitment that we recite which reminds us to “Live each day as an example of what an osteopathic physician should be.”

Diana Ewert

by: Diana Ewert

"It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret." - Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Birds. The spring songbirds are out. I pause in the morning to breathe deeply and listen. It’s so beautiful and feels that it has been a long time coming. I am so ready for the fresh air and sunshine. Spring conveys movement, potential and growth. Spring reminds us that good things are coming – confirmations, flowers, graduations, gardens, fresh produce, weddings – and we embrace it all.

TeamPOMA is looking ahead and preparing for change. There is the change in leadership. There is the change in the Annual Clinical Assembly that will combine virtual learning with in-person programs. There is change within the team although to the best of my knowledge, no one will be preparing for a birth this year (thank you, Brenda and Jason). We are all looking ahead to the next budget, the next fiscal year, and reaching for the long-term goals in the strategic plan.

We are also looking back, not with regret, but with a strong sense of achievement. POMA has accomplished so much in the past year. You will hear more about this at the Annual Clinical Assembly during the Leadership Fireside Chat. While the COVID pandemic may have slowed us down in some areas, it put our feet to the fire in others. Our first hybrid educational program was held in District 8 in January. That taste of success prepared us for the Annual Clinical Assembly which allows us to provide you the option to participate virtually or in-person or a combination of both. About 22 percent of our registrants to date have elected to attend the on-site education in person. TeamPOMA is looking forward to seeing and serving you.

Regrets? I’ll admit it. I have one. I always regret saying good-bye to our leaders when they complete their term on the POMA Board of Trustees. POMA has been blessed…truly blessed with wonderful leaders. I have learned so much from them since I arrived in 2017. I’ll bid goodbye to our immediate past president with the hope that he and all of those I’ve been privileged to work with share the same sense of accomplishment. Looking back, I see where these leaders broke ground, prepared the garden, planted the seeds, tended the plants, and continue to nurture the new growth. Because of their efforts, POMA will continue to evolve and meet its mission – "to promote the distinctive philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine in Pennsylvania, for our members and their patients."

Policy Points

by: Andy Sandusky

Primary Elections Update

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court finally ruled on the final maps for the state House and Senate districts this week. This means candidates will need to gather signatures to get on the primary ballot with a condensed timeframe. What is normally a 3-week process will be shortened to just 10 days. Individuals running for a state House seat need 200 voter signatures and 300 for state Senate candidates. The unanticipated process has forced the House to cancel its session days scheduled for next week so that those running for office can knock on doors and canvas their districts for signatures. The new maps also create consternation between multiple redrawn state House districts that pit incumbents against one another. This has added to the growing list of retirements. One notable retirement (not related to redistricting) is southeast Senator Tommy Tomlinson, the longtime Republican Chairman of the Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee. Unfortunately, Senator Tomlinson did not see eye-to-eye with POMA on several scope of practice issues, including CRNPs. As you can imagine, there are many moving parts with the Primary Election and even more in store for the General Election. But POMA and its political arm, POMPAC, will work to keep Osteopathic physicians in the best strategic position for access to care by all patients who need them! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me, [email protected] or 717.727.3668. 


District Dish

District 7

District 7  Zoom Meeting

District 7 members came together virtually on, Thursday, March 10thPOMA President Joseph Zawisza, DO and POMA Vice President and District 7 Chair John Kalata, DO, provided an overview of all the osteopathic happenings in Pennsylvania. The members discussed legislation, the upcoming POMA Clinical Assembly, the POMA DOes Podcast series, work of the POMA Foundation, and elected delegates to the 2022 POMA House of Delegates. They also discussed ideas for future events such as an Erie Seahawks game and engaging/supporting local residency programs. Be on the lookout for upcoming event details.

District 10

District 10 event in March

District 10 members gathered on Friday, March 4th virtually and in-person at the Blue Bell Inn for their monthly meeting. They received updated information regarding state legislation, the POMA DOes... podcast, the POMA Clinical Assembly, the POMA Call for Volunteers, and PCOM alumni events. The members also enjoyed a product theater discussing treatment for CAD and/or PAD. District 10's next event will be Friday, April 8th.

District 4 Mid-Winter Recap

District 4 Winter Seminar

After a 1-year hiatus due to the pandemic, District 4 hosted their 5th Annual Mid-Winter Symposium on Saturday, March 5. Twenty-four POMA members gathered in Wilkes-Barre to listen, network, and learn. Local experts presented on pain management, substance abuse, breast cancer, and travel health. Kudos to District 4 leadership for their hard work organizing the event. Be sure to join us at our next meeting on Wednesday, March 23rd in Wilkes-Barre beginning at 6:00 pm.

District 14

District 14 March event

District 14 members came together in person, for the first time since 2019, on March 4th at the Bonefish Grill in Langhorne. POMA President Joseph Zawisza, DO attended and provided an overview of all the osteopathic happenings along with updates from POMA leadership. The members discussed the upcoming POMA Clinical Assembly, elected delegates to the 2022 POMA House of Delegates, and discussed new scholarships and grants provided by the POMA Foundation. The meeting stretched long into the evening as the members were enjoying being in-person again. The next district event will be on April 5th.

District 1

District 1 March Event

District 1 is BACK! District 1 held their first in-person meeting since October of 2019 last night at Randi’s Restaurant and Bar in northeast Philadelphia. Members, virtually and in-person, discussed POMA’s legislative concerns, the POMA DOes…a podcast, the POMA Clinical Assembly, and elected District 1 Delegates to the POMA House of Delegates. The members enjoyed interacting in person and are looking forward to upcoming events.

District 1 still has a few open delegate positions. If you are interested in being a part of POMA governance and helping to guide the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania, contact for more information.

steps 4 all

Virtual Charity Event

POMA Districts 4, 6 and 9 are hosting STEPS 4 ALL 2022 to get you outside and moving!  Every step you take will raise money to a charity of your choice, without even opening your wallet!

This is a FREE virtual event for all POMA members and their families which will run the entire month of April.

Be inspired to welcome spring by getting out to walk, run, bike or hike and break free from the winter blues.

Click here for more information.

Have You Subscribed to the POMA DOes... Podcast?


In January, POMA launched its new podcast series, POMA DOes... We are providing a voice for osteopathic medicine by sharing insights on issues important to osteopathic physicians, residents and students, and those who embrace the osteopathic philosophy. Episodes 1-5 have already been published. The March episodes focus on the Match and the SOAP process.

POMA DOes... is available through all of the popular podcast platforms, services and apps. Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Audible and YouTube - listen and subscribe today! Episodes are released on the second and fourth Fridays of the month.

Be a Mentor

The POMA Mentor Task Force is building a database of individuals interested in fostering the next generation of osteopathic physicians. If you are interested in being a mentor, complete this brief questionnaire. The task force will reach out to candidates when someone requests a mentor.

Another Voice

by: Samuel J. Garloff, DO

Carolina Moon

I read and reread the editorials by our association president Dr. J. Zawisza (President’s Perspective) and CEO Diana Ewert (Executive Opinion) distributed 2/18/2022. The first reading was completed while I was in my “right brain”, the second whilst I was in my “left brain”. Both authors are to be congratulated as my better 9/10ths would be quick to tell you that “no brain” is my default setting.

That being said, one reaction was “Right On”, the other was along the lines of “Show Me the Money”. This is the difficulty I sometimes experience when attempting to combine both halves of my brain. Perhaps you are familiar with the process. Osteapathy? Complacency? In the words of the late Walter Winchell, “let’s go to press”.

What if I told you that I was going to lecture about an artist who at the age of 24 was accused of sodomy with a model in his mentor’s studio? What if I added that at age 26 instead of living off the profits of commissioned works, he instead took a job designing weapons for a living? Lastly, what if I added that at age 38, while single, he adopted a 10 y/o boy to “teach him”? Would you attend the lecture?

Who was the artist? Leonardo da Vinci.



View the
newsletter online!

Table of Contents...

  1. President's Perspective
  2. Executive Opinion
  3. Policy Points
  4. Register for POMA's 114th Annual Clinical Assembly
  5. District Dish
  6. POMA DOes... Podcast
  7. Steps 4 All
  8. Be a Mentor
  9. Another Voice
  10. SoFi Loan Refinancing
  11. COVID-19 News Update
  12. Upcoming District Events
  13. Save the Date for the 2022 Clinical Assembly
  14. Upcoming PGYP Event
  15. Welcome New Members
  16. District Competition
  17. Classified Ads
  18. Under the DOme
  19. POMPAC
  20. Follow POMA on Social Media
  21. APOMA


POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding COVID-19. Visit for all of our updates, as well as resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time.

Upcoming District Events

District 4
Business Meeting &
Product Theater

March 23, 2022
6:00 pm
Ruth's Chris
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Virtual Option

District 10
Business Meeting &
Product Theater
April 8, 2022
5:30 pm
Blue Bell Inn
Blue Bell, PA
Virtual Option

District 11
Business Meeting &
Product Theater

March 23, 2022
6:30 pm
Willoughby's on Park Restaurant Wyomissing, PA
Virtual Option

District 14
Business Meeting &
Product Theater

April 5, 2022
6:30 pm
Bella Tori at the Mansion
Langhorne, PA

Upcoming PGYP Events

Central Region
Wednesday, March 23
6:30 pm
Gilligan's Restaurant
Harrisburg, PA

West Region
Tuesday, March 29
7:00 pm
Fat Eddy's Bar-BQ
Meadville, PA

Welcome New Members!

The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.

Jennifer K. Burke, DO
1068 West Baltimore Pike
Media, PA 19063
Active Member - District 2

Dana B. Burkholder, DO
1330 Powell Street
Norristown, PA 19426
Active Member - District 10

Jennifer L. Burns, DO
P.O. Box 6640
Wheeling, WV 26003
Out-of-State Member

Whitney T. DeBarge, DO
147 Gettys Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Active Member - District 5

Ephraim V.P. Dunn, DO
857 Montgomery Avenue
Narberth, PA 19072
Active Member - District 1

Andrew J. Kelly, DO
Pennsylvania Rheumatology Associates
822 Pine Street, Suite 3A
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Active Member - District 1

Jay H. Kim, DO
5250 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Active Member - District 8

Eric Kleiman, DO
1560 Delaware Avenue
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Active Member - District 11

Karli J. Kreider-Zug, DO
2601 Spring Valley Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
Active Member - District 5

Brandon M. Salzman, DO
Cedar Crest & I-78, PO Box 689
Allentown, PA 18103
Active Member - District 3

Matthew J. Sullivan, DO
1501 North Cedar Crest Boulevard, Suite 110
Allentown, PA 18104
Active Member - District 3

Tony Thai, DO
1500 Spring Garden Street, Suite R105
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Active Member - District 1

District Competition

Who likes a little friendly competition?

District competition

From April 1, 2021 – March 30, 2022 POMA will be hosting a District competition.  Districts receive points based on holding events; survey and event participation; members writing in publications (POMA and external); membership retention; and various additional items.  Click here for a complete list of challenges.

The winning District will receive a POMA sponsored dinner before POMA HOD 2022, a hefty traveling trophy, special recognition at the POMA Clinical Assembly, and priority seating at the POMA House of Delegates, and bragging rights.  The leaderboard will be published in POMA’s monthly newsletter.

Contact your District Leadership to share ideas and for more details.

Current Standings as of March 17:

  • 1st Place - District 12
  • 2nd Place - District 4
  • 3rd Place - District 8

Want to help earn your district some points? Submit an article to the newsletter or participate in a POMA survey.

Find out additional ways by contacting your district leadership.



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— Per insertion —

Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.

Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).

*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.

POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.

Under the DOme


Did you catch POMA's advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?

Under the DOme is a member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.

We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected]


POMPAC is the collective
voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.

Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!

PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.

Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!

Facebook Logo            LinkedIn Logo 

Instagram     YouTube icon  



APOMA invites anyone interested in promoting the osteopathic profession to join us at an open meeting on April 29, 2022, during the POMA Clinical Assembly in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. During the open meeting, APOMA will be electing the Board of Directors.

The positions to be filled for the 2022-2024 APOMA Board of Directors are:

  • President-Elect/Vice President 
  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Director

President will be filled by the current President-Elect, Krissy Eisenhardt and Immediate Past President will be filled by the current President, Lori Hildebrand. 

You can find more information and an application here.

Applications are due by March 31, 2022.

Email completed application to  a[email protected]

Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association | 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 939-9318 |