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POMA PublicationsPOMA stays hard at work to keep you updated on what’s happening within the osteopathic medical profession. We publish a monthly POMA newsletter to keep you informed about events, news, and legislation that is happening within POMA and in also in Pennsylvania. Our quarterly Journal of the POMA offers a more in-depth look at many of the issues concerning the osteopathic medical profession as a whole. Under the DOme is POMA's monthly advocacy newsletter, keeping you up-to-date on the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. Check out our archives of the POMA Newsletter and Journal of the POMA. In addition to these publications, POMA also has two blogs/columns for DOs. Our How Are You DOing? blog features short pieces written by your fellow DOs on topics related to physician mental health. DOs DOing More features stories about DOs who are working in their communities through volunteerism, education, and more. We are always looking for new content to include. If you’re interested in writing or providing editorial for either publication, please contact us at [email protected]. |