Newsletter header

Vol. XLVIII, Issue 7

July 22, 2022

Presidents Perspective

by: Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO


One definition of recreation is: rec·re·a·tion [ˌrekrēˈāSH(ə)n]-noun — activity done for enjoyment when one is not working. Synonyms include: pleasure, leisure, relaxation, fun, enjoyment, entertainment.

This is that wonderful time of the year when many physicians do their best to enjoy a bit of recreation, either alone or with their families or friends, but, as an osteopathic physician, it can be challenging to truly be not working. Electronics and the internet keep us perpetually connected. Being in different environments (perhaps participating in novel activities) keeps us on “high alert” to jump in to assist in the case of a mishap or emergency. Getting to a destination can often seem more like work than fun. And, coupling a “vacation” with either a conference or a governance meeting really forces one to continually switch from “doctor mode” to relaxation mode and back. Enjoyment can certainly be exhausting! So much so, many physicians forgo carving out that time, jeopardizing their over-all wellbeing.(1)

Independent, solo practitioners may skip the traditional family vacation due to lack of coverage, loss of income or not wanting to pay the price the week before and three weeks after returning. Employed physicians frequently do not use all their allotted time because of workload, scheduling conflicts or not wanting to burden their colleagues who pick up the slack in their absence. We all know how important “unplugging” and “unwinding” is to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue, but how do we successfully do it?

There certainly is no “one-size-fits-all” answer. For the physician who regularly enjoys a couple hours a week, a day a month or a week or two a couple times a year to re-group, coming back refreshed, renewed and ready to return to daily work and personal responsibilities — keep doing what you are doing! For those who are struggling with this, start with baby steps. A one-hour “mini vacation” (for example, a picnic in the park, bike ride with your partner or trip to your local library or book store) sans cell phone, is a great beginning. Work your way up to a regular commitment to yourself, and your family and patients, investing in that break you so need and deserve.

The POMA Physician Wellness Committee is brainstorming and working on suggestions to help our members infuse more leisure, enjoyment and relaxation activities into our busy lives. This committee has been RE-CREATED (rec· re· ate [ˌˈre-krē—ˌāt] transitive verb: to give new life or freshness to). Watch for POMA-sponsored wellness activities, virtually and in-person, in the future! Do YOU have an idea of a wellness activity? Please reach out to Jason Leeper, [email protected], to share your idea with the Wellness Committee.

Speaking of re-creating... We know that it is hard to leave the family behind and attend a much needed conference to earn those precious CME credits for your licensure as well as remain up-to-date to give the best care you can to your patients. The POMA is re-creating CME opportunities to couple learning with family friendly venues and activities. The POMA District VIII Annual Winter Symposium has moved to Seven Springs Mountain Resort and the POMA 2023 Annual Clinical Assembly will be at Kalahari Resort in Mount Poconos! With flexible scheduling of presentations and virtual options to fill in where you may have missed, these are two awesome opportunities to relax, unwind and rejuvenate! Early registration is open now.


Diana Ewert

by: Diana Ewert

"The body heals with play; the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy." - Proverb

One can say that play and recreation live on the same plane. We need the opportunity to play and through play, heal. Mind you, I’m not necessarily talking the attack of the weekend warriors who play hard, often hurting rather than healing. It brings my brother to mind for the weekend football games he played with friends with one or more calling in sick because they sprained, strained, or tore something and couldn’t work for the remainder of the week. It just so happened that the touch (who are we kidding… tackle) teams were made up of a group that worked for my father. Two weeks into the season, he called “shenanigans” and that was the end of the season.

It is true, however, that we all need to recharge, and we can do so through play, laughter, and joy. One such opportunity occurred during the AOA House of Delegates. Enjoying a bit of downtime, Dr. Dunkelberger made a comment and had I had something in my mouth, I would have spewed. Laughter and those enjoying the (unenviable) visual of their chief staff officer laughing loudly with multiple snorts was most healing. For me as well as them. Sorry/not sorry, however, there is no video proof of my healing. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

Osteopathic physicians are taught the relationships of mind, body and spirit when looking at their patients. Turning it inward and applying these principles to themselves make sense. POMA can help to facilitate the experiences and opportunities to do so. Our Physician Wellness Committee is going to be looking at activities to be held at the next 2023 Annual Clinical Assembly. Cannonball contest at Kalahari, anyone?

Policy Points

by: Andy Sandusky

The Budget is Done, Elections to Come...

The Governor and General Assembly finished up their work on the budget and are now in the districts until September. The House has 9 days scheduled for legislative session before the November general election. In the past, elections wouldn’t ramp up until after Labor Day, which was the traditional start of the fall campaigns. But we are not living in usual times and trying to base any predictions on the past is not a useful barometer. And, you (like myself) have probably already started to see commercials for the fall general election. Spoiler alert, it’s going to get worse… a lot worse. Pennsylvania will take center stage in both the US Senate race and the Gubernatorial race and emotions are again running high this election as they have for the past several years.

The politics of the day seem to be getting more and more contentious, with little want for compromise. When people and organizations talk to one another and each listen with a good faith effort to see the other’s point-of-view, compromise can happen. POMA knows because it has come to an agreement with the health insurers on prior authorization and step therapy reform legislation. In the middle of all the contentious issues, POMA's issue, Senate Bill 225, stopped all partisan fighting in the PA Senate. It prompted Senators from all across the state and with different party persuasions, to stand up and speak favorably on this great compromise. Despite all the outside noise of the news talk shows and visceral social media fights, things can get done. I for one hope there are better days to come and the country lowers its collective temperature and we can start listening to one another rather than being baited into polarized fighting.

Regardless, POMA will continue its course focusing on its priority issues of scope of practice, insurance reform and civil justice reform. Additionally, POMA's political arm, POMPAC, will work to support legislators who care about these issues. POMA isn’t red or blue, it is pro Osteopathic physician and their patients!

AOA House of Delegates
2022 Meeting Wrap

The 2022 AOA House of Delegates meeting was one to remember! The 102nd annual meeting was held in-person for the first time in three years, and was highlighted by the installation of Pennsylvania's own Ernest R. Gelb, DO, FACOFP as the 126th president of the AOA.

POMA's delegation was well represented in Chicago, seating 45 delegates and 13 alternate delegates front and center in the House. Several members of the delegation also served on various House Reference Committees:

  • Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO - Chair, Public Affairs
  • John Kalata, DO - Vice Chair, Professional Affairs
  • Jeffery Dunkelberger, DO - Member, Rules & Order of Business
  • Darlene Dunay, DO - Member, Credentials
  • Thomas Dardarian, DO - Member, Ad Hoc
  • Richard Johnson, DO - Member, Constitution & Bylaws
  • William Swallow, DO - Member, Educational Affairs
  • Jessica Masser, DO - Member, Public Affairs
  • Gene Battistella, DO - Member, Joint Board/House Budget Review


Dr. Gelb's inaugural festivities began on Saturday afternoon. Pennsylvania's Jeffery Dunkelberger, DO emceed the program with Robert Dolansky, Jr., DO  providing the invocation and AOA 2021-22 president Joseph Giaimo, DO administering the oath of office. Dr. Gelb received several congratulatory remarks from friends and colleagues and presented his inaugural address to the House. In true Pennsylvania style, the celebration was kicked off with a performance by the Mummers.

Ernest Gelb DO inauguration AOA president

On Sunday morning, the business of the House continued with Dr. Dolansky being re-elected to a three-year term to the AOA Board of Trustees. Frank Tursi, DO, continues to serve as an AOA Trustee, as well. New Jersey's Ira Monka, DO was chosen as AOA president-elect.

AOA HOD Recap for POMA members

For more pictures and videos from the week's meetings and celebrations, check out the POMA and the AOA social media channels.


Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy with Your Patients

Osteopathic physicians and their practice teams play a key role in preventing COVID-19 infections among patients and communities.  Check out the Facts on Vax website for a variety of educational materials, tools and resources that will help you discuss the importance of COVID-19 prevention with your patients.

Facts on Vax is a partnership of osteopathic organizations committed to lowering the rates of COVID-19 through prevention, of which POMA is a member.  We are collaborating in partnership to prepare osteopathic physicians to discuss the importance of COVID-19 prevention, including vaccinations with patients.  Learn more today!  

District Dish

District 10

district 10 cme event

On June 29th, POMA members gathered in person at Mirna's Cafe in Blue Bell for friendship, dinner, and CME. The CME program featured two talks entitled “Cancer Screening in the Elderly” and “Non-Scarring Alopecia,” presented by Meera Shah, DO and David Kasper, DO, MBA.  District Chair, Carol Bowles-Lawlor, DO, provided an overview of the current osteopathic happenings and details regarding upcoming POMA events. Members discussed offering future CME and Social Events.  

The group enjoyed the comradery and delicious food. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next district event. Watch your email for more details.

District 12 Celebration

district 12 celebration

The award-winning POMA District 12 came together to celebrate the district competition victory on Saturday, June 26th at the Depot at Doolittles. The attendees enjoyed mini-golf, pizza, and ice cream while getting to pose for pictures with the POMA District Championship Trophy, the most coveted trophy in the osteopathic association world.  Families, friends, and all who participated enjoyed the osteopathic comradery. 

Thank you to everyone for your part in helping POMA District 12 win the inaugural POMA District Competition. Your District 12 leadership is in the process of planning the next event. Be on the lookout in your email, the POMA newsletter, and social media for more information as we strive to defend our title.

District 7

district 7 game

What a great night for baseball!! POMA District 7 members gathered on Wednesday, June 22, to watch the Seawolves defeat the Bowie Baysox in extra innings. What an exciting night with great family and comradery. 

District 7 leadership is in the process of planning their next event. Be on the lookout in your email, the POMA newsletter, and social media for more information.

Be a Mentor!

The POMA Mentor Task Force is building a database of individuals interested in fostering the next generation of osteopathic physicians. If you are interested in being a mentor, complete this brief questionnaire. The task force will reach out to candidates when someone requests a mentor.

APOMA updates

APOMA group

APOMA would like to thank everyone who stopped by our table in Valley Forge!  You helped us raise over $600, with donations from the cake pops, for our scholarship fund!!  At our annual meeting, we gave out six scholarships totaling $3,000 to the following people: 

  • Sejal Lakhani, OMSII – LECOM SGA President
  • Rebecca Wolff, OMSII – LECOM SOMA President
  • Vartan Matossian, OMSII – LECOM Seton Hill SGA President
  • Lily Roth, OMSII – LECOM Seton Hill SOMA President
  • Sonya Levine, OMSII – PCOM SGA President
  • Catherine Wastella, OMSII – PCOM SOMA President  

Also at that meeting, we elected our new officers for 2022-2024.  They are President: Krissy Eisenhardt; Vice President: Sally Ann Rex DO, MPH, FACOFP; Treasurer: Caryn Tabby; Secretary: Linda Schecter; Immediate Past President: Lori Hildebrand; and Director: Lorna Tabby.

We would like to thank Dr. Joe Zawisza, Dr. Lisa Witherite-Rieg, Dr. John Kalata, and Dr. Jessica Masser for attending our meeting. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing working with y’all!

We ended the weekend celebrating Dr. Lisa Witherite-Rieg becoming POMA’s President. Congratulations!!

APOMA looks forward to seeing y’all in Hershey. We will have a table there and will be doing the silent auction and selling more cake pops to help us with the scholarships!

View the
newsletter online!

Table of Contents...

  1. President's Perspective
  2. Executive Opinion
  3. Policy Points
  4. AOA House of Delegates 2022 Meeting Wrap
  5. Facts on Vax
  6. District Dish
  7. Be a Mentor
  8. APOMA Updates
  9. Membership Dues Renewal
  10. COVID-19 News Update
  11. Welcome New Members
  12. Classified Ads
  13. Under the DOme
  14. POMPAC
  15. Follow POMA on Social Media
  16. District Competition
  17. POMA DOes... Podcast

Membership Dues Renewal

POMA logo

The new membership year has begun! Stay current and renew today - your username is 

Thank you for your continued commitment to POMA and the Osteopathic family. Together, we can DO more!


POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding COVID-19. Visit for all of our updates, as well as resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time.

Welcome New Members!

The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.

Susan M. Baroody, DO
1145 Northern Boulevard
South Abington Township,
PA 18411

Active Member - District 4

Amy L. Beckman, DO
Millcreek Community Hospital
5515 Peach Street
Erie, PA 16509
Active Member - District 7

Bryant E. Bojewski, DO
MCH Professional Arts
2820 West 12th Street
Erie, PA 16505
Active Member - District 7

Thomas M. Bozzuto, DO
Geisinger Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine
300 Lackawanna Avenue,
Suite 150

Scranton, PA 18503
Active Member - District 4

Christopher S. Cammock, DO
2200 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Active Member - District 1

Richard S. Dobrusin, DO
3805 Ebek Road
Phoenix, AZ 85232
Out of State Member

Robert J. Esper, DO
MCH Professional Arts
2820 West 12th Street
Erie, PA 16505
Active Member - District 7

David E. Figueroa, DO
5312 Woodland Hills Circle
Erie, PA 16509
Active Member - District 7

Kimberly L. Fugok, DO
3555 Woodlea Road
Orefield, PA 18069
Active Member - District 3

Lucas W. Irwin, DO
807 Turnpike Avenue, Suite 120
Clearfield, PA 16881
Active Member - District 12

Carey K. Keiter, DO
Mount Nittany Medical Center
200 Scenery Drive
State College, PA 16801
Active Member - District 6

Dana S. Kirschner, DO
740 High Street, Suite 4001
Williamsport, PA 17701
Active Member - District 6

Philippe A. Knapp, DO
4490 Mt. Royal Boulevard
Allison Park, PA 15101
Active Member - District 8

Michael F. Krall, DO
Healthy Starts Pediatrics
845 Sir Thomas Court, Suite 7
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Active Member - District 5

Stephen H. Mascio, DO
1417 Main Street
Follansbee, WV 26037
Out of State Member

Maura P. McCarthy, DO
2 Bala Plaza, Suite IL-27
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Active Member - District 2

Katie McHale, DO
460 East Governor Road
P.O. Box 830

Hershey, PA 17033
Active Member - District 5

William A. Peters, III, DO
Progressive Physician Associates
3735 Nazareth Road, Suite 203
Easton, PA 18045-8345
Active Member - District 3

Rashida Randeree, DO
350 Sharon New Castle Road
Farrell, PA 16121
Active Member - District 9

Jeffrey J. Sewecke, DO
1307 Federal Street, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15212-4705
Active Member - District 8

Richard E. Vasicek, DO
391 Apple Valley Road
Fairmont, WV 26554
Out of State Member


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— Per insertion —

Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.

Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).

*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.

POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.

Under the DOme


Did you catch POMA's advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?

Under the DOme is a member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.

We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected]


POMPAC is the collective
voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.

Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!

PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.

Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!

Facebook Logo            LinkedIn Logo 

Instagram     YouTube icon  

District Competition

District competition

Who likes a little friendly competition?

The second annual POMA District Competition is running from April 1, 2022 – March 30, 2023. Districts receive points based on holding events; survey participation; writing in publications (POMA and external); membership retention; and various additional items.  Click here for a complete list of challenges.

The winning District will receive a hefty traveling trophy, special recognition at the POMA Clinical Assembly, and bragging rights.  Contact your District Leadership to share ideas and for more details.

Current Standings as of July 21
1st Place - District 7
2nd Place - District 8
3rd Place - District 10

Want to help earn your district some points? Submit an article to the newsletter or Journal. Find out additional ways by contacting your district leadership.

POMA DOes...Podcast


Have you tuned into POMA's podcast series, POMA DOes... Episodes 1-13 have been published and are available on YouTube and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Our July episodes focus on "Leadership Lessons" and a "Med School Survival: Study Tips and Tricks".

New episodes for POMA DOes... are released on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. Subscribe today so you never miss an episode!

Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association | 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 939-9318 |