Newsletter header

Vol. XLVII, Issue 2

February 19, 2021

President's Perspective Gene Battistella

by: Gene M. Battistella, DO

"Change is inevitable but learning from change is optional."

Truer words have never been spoken. With all that has been impacted in our personal, professional, political, cultural and health care world this past year despite and due to the pandemic, it is quite plain for all to see how much truth there is in this statement. We continue to see the inevitability of change in our world with the ongoing pandemic and the mutations with the novel Coronavirus and its potential impact. We all have a tendency and need to react to our surroundings and often are forced into change as a result. However, learning from change to grow and flourish as a person, family, community or organization is a choice that is up to each of us to decide for ourselves.

When faced with adversity and change, how we learn from those experiences can transform our mission and goals, but if not can be quite detrimental. The old adage, “that’s the way we have always done things” could not be more counterproductive to the ability to learn from change. These type of instances can present the opportunity to forge a new and potentially brighter future or outcome that may have not been considered or thought possible.

The POMA Board of Trustees, Committees, Leadership and Staff have continued to strive to do our best to learn from change and advance the mission and goals of the Association. We do so for the benefit of our members and ultimately for those patients of whom we are entrusted to provide for their care, doing so in the most comprehensive and compassionate manner, as is our nature as Osteopathic Physicians.

POMA has incorporated this concept in the development and now in the implementation phases of the POMA 2021-23 Strategic Plan, encompassing the Pillars of Community, Communication, Education and Influence. Joseph Zawisza, DO, President-Elect of POMA, has announced the “Call for Volunteers” to each of you to consider sharing your talents, passion and time to become more involved with your professional association, POMA. Becoming an active member of a POMA Committee or Task Force will provide your unique voice and perspective to help POMA continue the inevitable process of change by learning from your experiences to make decisions to help lead us into the future. Please seriously consider this request. Participation in our present virtual format affords more widespread involvement of members from across our commonwealth and could not be simpler. Thank you for your consideration on this most important matter and as always, please remain safe, healthy and continue to “Live each day as an example of what an Osteopathic Physician should be!”

Executive Opinion

by: Diana Ewert

"Winter is a season of recovery and preparation."
- Paul Theroux

I’m looking out my front window across the street to a house that has a perfect front yard for sledding. A bit of downhill followed by a straight then a bit of a drop followed by more downhill right into a frozen stream flanked by dried cattails. The laughter coming from the kids is contagious. The machinations to keep from hitting the stream and said cattails are fun to watch. It’s nice to see some people out, playing, masked of course, but they should be in the cold. It’s like a pre-COVID snow day, when schools are closed and kids are being kids. It was an opportunity to recover a bit from these last six weeks of winter (thanks so much for throwing Punxsutawney shade, Phil!).

Winter is a season of recovery, for the environment and for people. It certainly has been for POMA. By the time winter ends, Team POMA will be moving back into 1330 Eisenhower to a refreshed work environment intended to be more open and collaborative. We will move in with a full staff compliment which includes our director of membership, Sara Bustard and education manager, Margaret Clanagan. Margaret was hired after the renovations started so she doesn’t have a history of what was and can simply enjoy what is. We are preparing for the changes that come with spring – new leadership, new budget, and a new strategic plan. It’s the Annual Clinical Assembly, POMA House of Delegates, transition of leadership and election of officers. It’s board orientation and committee changes and new issues. And I for one, can’t wait. 

Policy Points

by: Andy Sandusky


Less Than Optimum Rollout for Pennsylvania's COVID-19 Vaccine

If you are reading this as a POMA member after skimming the headline, your face is probably red, and your blood pressure is rising. We know this because POMA has received much disgruntled feedback from its membership as the Pennsylvania Department of Health (Department) continues to roll out its patchwork plans to vaccinate Commonwealth residents against COVID-19.

Each week there have been major policy shifts with physicians scratching their heads and patients angrily responding to both you and legislators. The most recent policy pivot was delivered in the afternoon last Friday, before a 3-day weekend. Friday night, POMA physician members began calling, emailing, and texting to share that physicians would not be receiving their vaccination allotments because of a shift in policy, away from community clinical settings and towards mass vaccination sites. The Department’s Acting Secretary Beam stated to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Vaccines will be shifted to outlets that have shown the capacity to inoculate large groups of people instead of smaller physician practices and medical clinics.” In contrast, on Thursday (literally hours before) Governor Wolf sent a press release with the following excerpt:

“Community-based solutions like these are being developed every day, and my administration is working to support them,” Gov. Wolf said. “We’ll continue to lift up successes so that communities across the commonwealth can learn from one another, but we can’t expect a cookie cutter approach. Every community is different, and the solutions that work in Butler County may not be the ones that are most needed in Luzerne County or any other county in the state.”

POMA agrees with the Governor that the one-size fits all policy approach will not work in a diverse state like Pennsylvania. However, POMA is questioning how you can have community-based success in vaccination efforts by cutting out (even temporarily) primary care physician offices from providing vaccinations. Further, a “cookie cutter approach” is choosing large model and using it exclusively, whether it meets the community needs or not. POMA joined with other organized medical groups to demonstrate its opposition to the most recent policy pivot in the form of a press statement sent Friday night.

POMA is aligned with the Department on the same goal, to get the COVID-19 vaccination into the arms of as many Pennsylvanians as possible. POMA is ready and willing to collaborate with the Department and provide whatever resources and information it can to achieve this goal. But POMA disagrees with the continual changes in policy that appear to have the effect of hurting that goal, instead of moving Pennsylvania towards it.


POMA Seeks Volunteers 

Please sign up by March 12! 

  • POMA provides COMMUNICATION to our members, to our patients, to our legislators, and to the public!
  • POMA provides a COMMUNITY to our members so we can be the best osteopathic physicians possible!
  • POMA provides EDUCATION to our members so we can provide the best care possible to our patients!
  • POMA provides INFLUENCE to those who can help us to serve our patients best! 

POMA is our professional organization in Pennsylvania that serves us as osteopathic physicians. Now is our opportunity to serve POMA, our members and colleagues, and our patients. 

Our members are the motivation behind everything that POMA does. Every committee, task force, and work group within the organization is led by and driven by POMA members. And we need our members to continue that tradition by volunteering their time, talent, and expertise to these groups. 

Please look through the opportunities to serve that are available. These range from technology to political advocacy, writing articles to presenting CME, and everything in between. We all have unique talents, and this is our chance to share them with the organization that serves us. 

Click here for more details and to see what may be of interest to you.
Click here to go directly to the Volunteer Form and sign up today. 

I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity and sign up by March 12, and I look forward to working with you in your new role in POMA in the year to come! 

Joseph M.P. Zawisza, DO
POMA President-elect 

District Dish

District 4 Virtual Meeting & Elections

District 4 members gathered virtually to make plans for 2021 and beyond. After electing their district officers (list below) and POMA House of Delegates delegation, they brainstormed events for the year.

The district is hosting a virtual 5k in April and an 8-hour education event has been tentatively slated for in-person in the fall. The annual family hockey game has been postponed for 2021 but will return in the 2022 season.

The elected District Officers for 2021-2023 are:

  • District Chairperson – Darlene Dunay, DO
  • District Vice Chair – Deborah Mistal, DO
  • District Secretary/Treasurer – Lucyann Sciandra, DO
  • District Trustee – Karen Arscott, DO

District 3 Virtual Meeting & Elections

Despite a 4.5" snowfall, District 3 members were able hold their first meeting of the year - one of the perks of a virtual meeting! The district used their social funds to mingle over GrubHub dinners and discuss strategy to win the district competition. The group welcomed POMA President Gene Battistella, DO, who led a frank discussion about POMA's advocacy efforts, specifically about scope of practice issues and those related to the pandemic and vaccine distribution. The district also held elections for their district officers and representatives to the POMA House of Delegates.

The elected District Officers for 2021-2023 are:

  • District Chairperson – Rehab Tabchi, DO
  • District Vice Chair – Farah Mirza, DO
  • District Secretary/Treasurer – Georgia Fliakos, DO
  • District Trustee – Rehab Tabchi, DO

District 2 Virtual Meeting & Elections

Fellowship, comradery and jokes are all hallmarks of POMA District 2 events and the virtual environment didn't hamper anything. District 2 members came together virtually on Thursday, February 18th to catch up and conduct POMA business. POMA President Gene Battistella, DO provided greetings and an update on POMA's advocacy work related to the pandemic and scope of practice issues. After open discussion, the members held elections for officers and delegates to the POMA House.

The elected District Officers for 2021-2023 are:

  • District Chairperson – Donna Delfin, DO
  • District Vice Chair – Christopher Davis, DO
  • District Secretary – George Wolters, DO
  • District Treasurer & Trustee – Thomas Dardarian, DO

District 11 Virtual Meeting & Elections 

District 11 held their first event of 2021. Members gathered virtually to hold annual elections and make plans for 2021. They elected the District delegation to the 2021 POMA House of Delegates and district officers for the next two years.

Members also received a thorough update on advocacy issues, enhanced member benefits, and upcoming events, such as District 11 District Go Digital Event on March 25.

The elected District Officers for 2021-2023 are:

  • District Chairperson – Cynthia Lubinsky, DO
  • District Vice Chair – Jeffery Gold, DO
  • District Secretary/Treasurer – Bernard Adukaitis, DO
  • District Trustee – Angela Zawisza, DO

District 8 Virtual Meeting & Elections

Warm coffee and camaraderie kicked off the 2021 District 8 Annual business meeting. District 8 members met early on Saturday, January 30th to discuss district business and elect district officers and delegates (listed below).  The virtual meeting was led by POMA president and District 8 chair, Gene M. Battistella. Members received updates regarding POMA, state advocacy and an update on the new osteopathic college in Pittsburgh.

The elected District Officers for 2021-2023 are:

  • District Chairperson – Gene Battistella, DO
  • District Vice Chair – Peter Stracci, DO
  • District Secretary  Christopher Poggi, DO
  • District Treasurer – Jessica Masser, DO
  • District Trustee  Peter Stracci, DO

Registration is OPEN!

 POMA 113 Clinical Assembly 

Registration is open for POMA's 113th VIRTUAL Annual Clinical Assembly and Scientific Seminar which will be held April 28 - May 1, 2021.

In total, 34 1-A AOA CME credits and 30 AMA PRA Category 1 credits are anticipated.  Click here to view the tentative schedule.

Click here to register online or download the registration form.

If you have any questions, please contact Deb Cargill-Roan at (717) 939-9318 x170 or email [email protected].

View the
newsletter online!  


POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding the spread of COVID-19. Please visit for all of our updates, as well as resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time.

Table of Contents...

  1. President's Perspective
  2. Executive Opinion
  3. Policy Points
  4. POMA ISMIE Affinity Program
  5. POMA Seeks Volunteers
  6. District Dish
  7. Registration is Open for POMA's 113th Annual Virtual Clinical Assembly & Scientific Seminar
  8. SoFi
  9. COVID-19 Updates
  10. Upcoming District Events
  11. Upcoming PGYP Meetings
  12. Under the DOme
  13. Classified Ads Information
  14. Follow POMA on Social Media
  15. POMPAC
  16. Download the POMA App
  17. POMA's 47th Annual Clinical Writing Contest is Now Open!
  18. APOMA News
  19. Medical Records Copying Fees

Upcoming District Events

District 6 Virtual Meeting & Elections
Wednesday, February 24

6:30 PM

DGD Series
Dermatology 101: Rashes, Bumps & Lumps
Hosted by District 10
Wednesday, February 24

7:00 PM

District 1 Virtual Meeting & Elections
Thursday, March 4
7:00 pm


Districts will continue hosting elections for District positions in the coming weeks. District leadership will be contacting you soon regarding the nominating and election processes and procedures. The Districts will be electing District Trustee, District Chair, District Vice Chair, District Secretary/Treasurer and District Delegates to both the POMA and AOA Houses of Delegates. Each role plays a vital part in representing the osteopathic community, both in Pennsylvania and nationally. POMA is member-driven and your voice and opinions matter! 

If you are interested in nominating yourself or another member to be a district officer or delegate, please contact your district chair, Tammy Keller ([email protected]) or Jason Leeper ([email protected]).  

 Upcoming PGYP Meetings

East Region
Thursday, March 11
7:00 PM

Central Region
Tuesday, March 23
6:00 PM

West Region
Wednesday, March 3
7:00 PM

Under the DOme


Did you catch POMA's advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?

Under the DOme is a new member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.

We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected]


PRN Medical Space – ready exam rooms for Drs on the go! Five locations in Philadelphia and Bristol. Call 215-669-4001.

Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.

— Per insertion —

Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: box letter, all caps or all bold type, boxing an ad in.

Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).

*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.

POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.

Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!

Facebook Logo            LinkedIn Logo 

Instagram     YouTube icon 


POMPAC is the collective
voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.

Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Boulevard, Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!

PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.

Download POMA’s Mobile App Today!


POMA’s free mobile app can be used all year long to find information on advocacy, education, association events, member benefits and more!

  • Be in the know
  • Get engaged
  • Stay connected
  • And many more valuable resources

Search POMA in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the free app today!

POMA's 47th Annual Clinical Writing Contest is Now Open!


All Pennsylvania osteopathic medical students and interns/residents training in Pennsylvania are invited to submit their research paper into this year's contest!

Judging will be conducted in March and finalists will be notified in April. All contest winners will be announced during the Opening Session of the 2021 POMA Virtual Clinical Assembly.

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2021.

View all the details here


The APOMA board held a virtual meeting Saturday February 13, 2021. We are excited we will be partnering with the AAOA to sell their brooches as a fundraiser. More information to follow so keep an eye out so you can purchase your brooch.

Our next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 6pm, where we plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo by having a virtual cooking class. Watch for future newsletter articles which will include the list of ingredients needed to join us for a night of Mexican cooking. All are welcome to attend and join the Advocates! We hope to see you then. 

Medical Records Copying Fees 2021 Update on Act 26

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has published guidelines and fees that a health care provider or facility may charge in response to a request for production of medical charts or records. The 2020 fee amendments are effective January 1 and may be found on the Department of Health website


Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association | 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 939-9318 |