Newsletter header

Vol. XLVIII, Issue 2

February 18, 2022

Presidents Perspective Dr. Zawisza

by: Joseph M.P. Zawisza, DO


Regardless of whether you are a Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, left or right, up or down, cat or dog person, or any other label that can be used to divide us, I think we can all agree that one of the biggest problems we face in our communities, nation, and perhaps world these days is apathy. While the temptation is there to blame this on the pandemic, it existed well before that. One of my two greatest mentors in life and medicine, my father, Michael Zawisza, DO, RPh, talked about what I think of as a precursor to apathy – complacency – when he became president of POMA in 2015. For those of you who know him and the tumultuous year that he navigated, I hope you will agree that he successfully steered the ship away from the Sea of Complacency.

We see the enemy of apathy every day in our lives. Youth sports teams that don’t get a chance to have a season because no parents wanted to step up and coach. Ghosting an employer. Not exercising your right to vote because one vote doesn’t matter. The list goes on and on.  And of course, the example that we probably see most is with our patients. Raise your hand if you’ve had to be a cheerleader for the last patient of your very long day because they weren’t taking their medication even though their A1c was 12.6. Raise your hand if you’ve told your patient for the tenth time that they are five years overdue for their first screening colonoscopy. Raise your hand if...

Unfortunately, I think all of these pressures and frustrations contribute to what can become our own apathy if we let it. Let’s face it, it’s easier now if you are an employed physician to call off your shift than it was when the profession was largely comprised of solo practitioners whose only metric they had to meet was being able to pay their staff at the end of the week. This is not meant to be derogatory, it’s just the reality.  Likewise, it’s easy now to just go home after your day and not be a part of a group, participate in a committee, or do something outside of medicine. This is all part of the term I have coined in the title of this article.

I wouldn’t be a very good osteopathic physician if I identified a problem and walked away without offering a solution. Having a solution or a plan is something my other greatest mentor in life and medicine, my mother, Joan Zawisza, RPh, has always been good at. So, what can we do to combat osteapathy? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Answer the Call for Volunteers to provide your expertise on a committee, workgroup, or task force that will be issued very soon by President-Elect Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO
  • Register here for the Annual Clinical Assembly which will be held April 27-30 in Valley Forge as a hybrid event where you can get education and safely socialize with colleagues all in one package
  • Subscribe to POMA DOes…, our newly developed podcast series which will enthuse and energize you for the profession and your professional organization, or better yet, offer your expertise for a future episode (including CME episodes)
  • Volunteer to be part of a mentoring event for students, interns, residents, and other attending physicians
  • Donate to POMPAC which will support Pennsylvania legislators who will work toward the best interests of physicians and their patients
  • Run for a position in your district leadership (generally in odd years) or to be a trustee-at-large (this year) on the Board of Trustees, or as a delegate to the POMA House of Delegates
  • Submit an article for the How Are You DOing? or DOs DOing More columns of the newsletter
  • Or simply attend your local district meeting, we’d love to see you there!

As you can see, the cure for osteapathy is right in front of you.  Share this with a colleague or classmate you haven’t talked to in a while, or maybe a new physician in your area.  And if you’re so inclined, send me your definition of osteapathy, how you’ve dealt with it, or how POMA can help you through it.

Diana Ewert

by: Diana Ewert

"If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy, I could have won..." - Mumford and Sons

I found this quote from a Mumford and Sons song especially relevant given the article by Dr. Zawisza. So why do we wait for an enemy to remove the coat of apathy? When the osteopathic profession comes up against an enemy – discrimination in a residency program, projecting an image of DOs that is insulting, dismissive attitudes by insurers – you rally. You embrace the crux of the issue and rise against it. I’ve seen it. You rise when individuals want to practice like and equate themselves to physicians without the benefit of medical school. I’ve seen it in unfair payment practices. I’ve seen it in credentialing. And we’re seeing it in those moving from medical school into residency.

POMA is reaching a point where we need more involvement. More students. More residents. More physicians. There are benefits to getting involved. Become a mentor. Students are hungry for real-world experience. Residents want to better understand what comes after. Is it private practice? Employment? Research? You can discuss the implications of position on health care issues on the Public Policy Committee. You can craft positions on legislation and the impacts of regulation on medical practice on the Government Affairs Committee. On the Membership Committee, you’ll be discussing how POMA can best meet the needs of members like you. Ever wonder who reviews the educational programs we present for bias? This is the role of the Curriculum Committee. You’ve heard the phrase, “we have an app for that?” At POMA, we have a volunteer position for that.

We make statements about POMA being a member-driven association. But we can’t be a member-driven organization without volunteers to set the direction. You see, we are not osteopathic physicians, or residents, or students. Our role as your #TeamPOMA is to do the research, gather data, even provide recommendations based on the findings, but the decisions are yours. The call for volunteers will be coming out in a few weeks. Don’t be osteapathetic… be osteopathic. Answer the call.

Policy Points

by: Andy Sandusky


PA Budget Hearings Take Center Stage

Governor Wolf delivered his budget blueprint to the PA General Assembly earlier this month.  The next month will be filled with separate House and Senate Appropriations Committee hearings where each of the agencies of state government will come make their case for the funding they have requested in the Governor’s budget.  In many ways, the budget will drive not only the spending priorities but the policy discussions as well.  This is because behind each appropriation, there are the names and faces of real people who will be impacted, either negatively or positively, depending on where the money is proposed to be spent, or not spent.  At the beginning of this article, I called the Governor’s budget a blueprint because that is exactly what it represents.  A first offer on what triggers the long process of debate between the Governor and the four caucuses of the General Assembly that will culminate in a final spending plan sometime in late June.  The budget hearings POMA will be acutely interested in are with the Department of Health, Department of Human Services, Department of Drug and Alcohol and Department of Insurance. These agencies literally have hundreds of policies, both directly and tangentially, that impact patient care and Osteopathic medicine.  POMA will monitor and engage as necessary to ensure Osteopathic physicians and their patients are protected and put in the best possible paradigm to ensure quality care. 


District Dish

District 4

District 4 February 2022

District 4 was back at it again last night with members gathering virtually and in-person at Rikasa in Pittston. Members discussed their upcoming CME event, the return of Steps 4 All in April, a possible goat yoga event, and elected their 2022 delegates to the POMA House of Delegates. They also reviewed and discussed pending state legislation and newly streamlined POMA mentoring and shadowing opportunities.

District 4's next event will be free in-person CME event on Saturday, March 5th at the Courtyard Marriot Scranton Montage Mountain. The event will be from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm with up to 8 hours of AOA CME credit available. Click here for more information and to register.

If you would like more information on the POMA House of Delegate or other district opportunities, contact Darlene Dunay, DO, District 4 Chair.

District 6

District 6 february 2022

Baseball and a boat ride? It is coming to POMA District 6! District members gathered virtually on Wednesday, February 16 to make event plans for 2022 and elect delegates to the POMA House of Delegates. The district will host an event at a Williamsport Crosscutter baseball game this summer and also may enjoy a Hiawatha Paddlewheel Riverboat cruise. Stay tuned for more details.

If you are interested in being a delegate to the POMA House of Delegates or other district involvement opportunities, please contact [email protected].

District 8

District 8 Jan 2022

District 8 members gathered on Saturday, January 29th at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort and virtually via Zoom for their annual business meeting. The business meeting occurred during the POMA District VIII  35th Annual Winter seminar. Members received updates from POMA and district leadership including the recent event at a Pittsburgh Panthers basketball game and the proposed osteopathic college at Duquesne University.

District 8 also elected AOA Delegates and Alternate Delegates from District 8 to the AOA House of Delegates for the July 2022 meeting. With the recently vacated term of Secretary of District 8, leadership is accepting nominations and submissions for the unexpired remaining term for District 8 Secretary until next year's officers elections.

For more information regarding the POMA House of Delegates or the AOA House of Delegates, please contact Gene Battistella, DO, District 8 Chair, or POMA staff. Leadership is planning additional social and CME events. Be on the lookout for those details. 

District 11

District 11 February 2022

POMA District 11 members gathered virtually on Wednesday, February 9th to make plans for 2022. The leadership is looking to organize a family-friendly social event at a Reading Phillies baseball game and possibly an event at the Yuengling brewery. The members also elected the district delegation to the POMA House of Delegates in April.

If you are interested in being a delegate to the POMA House of Delegates or other district involvement opportunities, please contact Jeffrey Gold, DO, POMA District 11 chair at

The next district event will be in Wyomissing on March 24th. Stay tuned for more details.

Be a Mentor

The POMA Mentor Task Force is building a database of individuals interested in fostering the next generation of osteopathic physicians. If you are interested in being a mentor, complete this brief questionnaire. The task force will reach out to candidates when someone requests a mentor.

Have You Subscribed to the POMA DOes... Podcast?


Last month, POMA launched its new podcast series, POMA DOes... We are providing a voice for osteopathic medicine by sharing insights on issues important to osteopathic physicians, residents and students, and those who embrace the osteopathic philosophy. Episodes 1-3 have  already been published. Episode 4 will be released February 25 and features a panel discussion on committee involvement.

POMA DOes... is available through all of the popular podcast platforms, services and apps. Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Audible and YouTube - listen and subscribe today! Episodes are released on the second and fourth Fridays of the month.


Submit your research paper into the 2022 POMA Clinical Writing Contest! The competition is open to all osteopathic medical students attending a Pennsylvania COM and all interns/residents training in Pennsylvania are invited to submit their research papers into this year's contest!

Judging will be conducted in March and finalists will be notified in April. All contest winners will be announced during the Opening Session of the 2022 POMA Clinical Assembly.

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2022. Learn more here.


View the
newsletter online!

Table of Contents...

  1. President's Perspective
  2. Executive Opinion
  3. Policy Points
  4. Register for POMA's 114th Annual Clinical Assembly
  5. District Dish
  6. Be a Mentor
  7. POMA DOes... Podcast
  8. POMA's Research Contest is Now Open! Entries Due March 1!
  9. SoFi Loan Refinancing
  10. COVID-19 News Update
  11. Upcoming District Events
  12. Save the Date for the 2022 Clinical Assembly
  13. Upcoming PGYP Event
  14. Welcome New Members
  15. District Competition
  16. Classified Ads
  17. Under the DOme
  18. POMPAC
  19. Follow POMA on Social Media
  20. APOMA


POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding COVID-19. Visit for all of our updates, as well as resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time.

Upcoming District Events

District 2
Business Meeting & Elections
February 22, 2022
6:30 pm

District 3
Business Meeting & Elections
February 21, 2022
6:30 pm

District 5
Business Meeting, Elections, Product Theater
February 24, 2022
6:30 pm
Viking Club
York Club, PA

District 10
Business Meeting and Product Theater
March 4, 2022
5:30 pm
Blue Bell Inn
Blue Bell, PA

District 12
CME Event, Business Meeting & Elections
February 23, 2022
6:00 pm
Mechanistic Brewing Company
Clarion, PA

District 14
Business Meeting, Elections, and Product Theater
March 4, 2022
6:30 pm
Bonefish Grill
Langhorne, PA

2022 POMA Clinical Assembly

POMA's 114th Annual Clinical Assembly and Scientific Seminar will be held April 27-30, 2022. Click here to register!

Upcoming PGYP Events

East Region
Thursday, March 3
6:30 pm
Peppers by Amedo's Restaurant & Bar
King of Prussia, PA

Central Region
Wednesday, March 23
6:30 pm
Gilligan's Restaurant
Harrisburg, PA

West Region
Tuesday, March 29
7:00 pm
Fat Eddy's Bar-BQ
Meadville, PA

Welcome New Members!

The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.

Kelly J. Janke, DO
740 West Swartzville Road
Reinholds, PA 17569-9613
Active Member – District 5

District Competition

Who likes a little friendly competition?

District competition

From April 1, 2021 – March 30, 2022 POMA will be hosting a District competition.  Districts receive points based on holding events; survey and event participation; members writing in publications (POMA and external); membership retention; and various additional items.  Click here for a complete list of challenges.

The winning District will receive a POMA sponsored dinner before POMA HOD 2022, a hefty traveling trophy, special recognition at the POMA Clinical Assembly, and priority seating at the POMA House of Delegates, and bragging rights.  The leaderboard will be published in POMA’s monthly newsletter.

Contact your District Leadership to share ideas and for more details.

Current Standings as of February 18:

  • 1st Place - District 12
  • 2nd Place - District 8
  • 3rd Place - District 4

Want to help earn your district some points? Submit an article to the newsletter or participate in a POMA survey.

Find out additional ways by contacting your district leadership.



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PRN Medical Space – ready exam rooms for Drs on the go! Five locations in Philadelphia and Bristol. Call 215-669-4001.

Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.

— Per insertion —

Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.

Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).

*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.

POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.

Under the DOme


Did you catch POMA's advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?

Under the DOme is a member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.

We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected]


POMPAC is the collective
voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.

Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!

PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.

Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!

Facebook Logo            LinkedIn Logo 

Instagram     YouTube icon  



APOMA invites anyone interested in promoting the osteopathic profession to join us at an open meeting on April 29, 2022, during the POMA Clinical Assembly in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. During the open meeting, APOMA will be electing the Board of Directors.

The positions to be filled for the 2022-2024 APOMA Board of Directors are:

  • President-Elect/Vice President 
  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Director

President will be filled by the current President-Elect, Krissy Eisenhardt and Immediate Past President will be filled by the current President, Lori Hildebrand. 

You can find more information and an application here.

Applications are due by March 31, 2022.

Email completed application to  a[email protected]

Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association | 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 939-9318 |