Newsletter header

Vol. XLIX, Issue 2

February 17, 2023

Presidents Perspective

by: Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO


val·ue [ˈvalyo͞o] NOUN values (1) the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something; (2) a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life; (3) the numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number; VERB values (1) estimate the monetary worth of (something); (2) consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.

So many meanings….sometimes the English language can get a bit complicated, but when it comes right down to it, what our values are, what is important to us, drives the way we do, well, everything!

In her book Dare to Lead,(1) Brené Brown, PhD, MSW explains that one’s core values are “personal ethics or ideals that guide you when making decisions, building relationships and solving problems”. Further, “Identifying the values that are meaningful to you can help you develop and achieve personal and professional goals.” This not only holds true for individuals but also organizations, including the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association.

During our February 11, 2023 board of trustees meeting, your elected leaders participated in an exercise to help identify key individual core values. We then collectively identified the core values of the board. This exercise served as a “warm-up” for a very dynamic break-out work session of the board where we critically reviewed our mission statement, initiated the creation of a vision statement, and reviewed the core values of the POMA. Not surprisingly, the POMA board identified family as their top core value, followed by kindness, wisdom, and integrity.

The board revised our mission statement to be more inclusive. It now reads:

The mission of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association is to promote the distinctive philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine for our patients, our members, and the communities we serve.

Our core value statement was refined and approved as:

POMA’s core values are comprised of:

  • Integrity through transparency and adherence to our mission and vision
  • Fidelity through accountability and humility in our charge, and
  • Service through leadership in advocacy, education, community and communications

Crafting a vision statement to concisely embrace the mission and values of our association needs more reflection and consideration. An appointed work group is charged with capturing our clear vision in words to be considered at our May meeting.

Periodically reflecting on these things helps keep us authentic and focused, both personally and professionally. As we consider the third phase of our strategic plan, only actions that support our mission and are aligned with our core values will receive consideration for inclusion.

Speaking of value (as in the monetary worth of something), one of the greatest values you receive as a POMA member is access to high-quality continuing medical education at an exceptionally low cost. At about $17 per credit, you get the most out of your CME dollar! This year’s Annual Clinical Assembly will be held LIVE, IN-PERSON at Kalahari Resort in the Poconos (the 4th largest water park in North America!) This family-friendly location allows you to couple your learning time with a family getaway. (The room rates and waterpark passes POMA negotiated on your behalf are phenomenal!) Oh, and there is a SPA, too! Registration is open - click here and plan to join us!

(1) Brown, Brené’. Dare to Lead. New York, Random House, 2018.

Executive Opinion

by: Diana Ewert

"Find people who share your values, and you'll conquer the world together." ― John Ratzenberger

The POMA Board meeting on February 11 was exciting. Not only did we unveil the remodel of the building, but the board worked on those items that serve to form the core of the association – Mission, Vision and Values. POMA President Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO separated the board into groups, including the past presidents attending, and charged each with developing a Mission, Vision and Value statement. It was a beautiful thing to watch transpire. As we move (POMA on the Move) into developing Phase III of the POMA Strategic plan, having these statements helps craft our future goals and objectives. While the vision statement is still a work in progress, the mission and values will be applied to the research. The goal is to support efforts that meet the mission of the association using our values to accomplish the goals and objectives; all to move closer to achieving the vision.

What impresses me most about the mission and values statements is the outward focus. The mission has been expanded to include the communities you serve, not just your patients and not just our members. Another project funded by POMA is the PIAA in support of the Drug Abuse Prevention Program. By working with PIAA, we are reaching communities, athletes and their parents providing education on pain management. This community value is also reflected in the work being done by the POMA Foundation. The Bright Ideas Grant Program will be opened next week. The purpose of which is to support community work being done by you, our residents and our students.

You serve. This is another core value of POMA and of the osteopathic profession. You serve your patients as you serve your community. You serve through advocacy and the tools we use to communicate with those interested in and supporting the osteopathic profession – whether it’s a podcast, a newsletter or a magazine. You’re DOing it… and DOing more every day. It was a great meeting. Now let’s conquer the Commonwealth and the world.

Policy Points

by: Andy Sandusky

POMA Board Approves 3 Positions

This past weekend, the POMA Board of Trustees (Board) met and considered and approved three recommendations from the Government Affairs Committee. The first deals with insurance coverage for biomarker testing. The Board chose to support the initiative because it will help Osteopathic physicians understand and order the best care for their individual patient’s needs. The Board also chose to support eliminating restrictive covenants/non-compete language from contracts for physicians. Legislation on this issue is likely to gain traction in the new legislative session. The legislation in the House is being championed by freshman Representative Arvind Venkat, MD. The Board is sensitive to Osteopathic physicians in private practice not being hurt by any potential legislative effort. POMA will be an active participant in the discussions on this legislation. Finally, the Board chose to support the Fair Share Act
on comparative negligence so defendants pay only their fair share in jury payouts. POMA is teaming up with the PA Coalition for Civil Justice Reform (PCCJR) on this effort. The issue amends a 2011 law to provide defendants be responsible for the percentage of culpability they are apportioned. Additionally, the legislation will reverse some of the interpretations to the law by the Courts that lessened its effectiveness and legislative intent. The Board supports the effort because it would help all POMA members who are subject to litigation in the future.


Proposed Dues Increase – Out of State, Associate Member

The POMA House of Delegates approved a resolution calling for an increase in dues for the Out-of-State and Associate membership categories. The recommended increases will be a second read at the May 2023 POMA House of Delegates meeting. Per the POMA Bylaws, any dues increase must be posted for a minimum of 30 days in advance of the next meeting of the House.

Proposed dues for Out-of-State membership are $150 annually. The current rate is $50. The difference in benefits between Out-of-State members and Active members is the ability to serve in leadership positions within POMA and to participate on POMA committees, workgroups, and task forces. Out-of-State members can participate in all educational programs at the member rate. POMA tracks CME for Pennsylvania State Licensure. Further, Out-of-State members receive The Journal of POMA, receive electronic copies of the monthly POMA Newsletter, Under the DOme and the bi-weekly COVID Update; and access to the Members-Only portion of the POMA website.

To comment on the Out-of-State Member dues increase, click here.

Proposed dues for Associate membership are $225 annually. The current rate is $100. The benefits of Associate membership have been expanded beyond member rates for educational programs to include CME tracking for Pennsylvania State Licensure; receiving The Journal of POMA, electronic copies of the monthly POMA Newsletter, Under the DOme and the bi-weekly COVID Update; and access to the Members-Only portion of the POMA website.

To comment on the Associate Member dues increase, click here.

POMA Board of Trustees Holds Quarterly Meeting

Board of trustees

The POMA Board of Trustees held its quarterly board meeting at the newly renovated POMA Central Office building this past weekend.

During the meeting, the board conducted an exercise to define its core values which led to discussions to review, revise and approve POMA's mission. A task force will be formed to update the organization's vision.

The board also received updates on strategic goals and initiatives from the pillars, committees, work groups and task forces. They also approved life membership requests and policy statements to be forwarded to the House of Delegates.

The board enjoyed coming together to conduct the business of the organization but also to reconnect to share stories, laughs and osteopathic hugs. Their next meeting will be May 3, 2023 at Kalahari during POMA's Annual Clinical Assembly. 

District Dish

Tea and Mindfulness


POMA members gathered for mediation mindfulness and relaxation on Thursday, February 9 for a virtual Tea and Mindfulness event hosted by the POMA Physician Wellness Committee and POMA Districts 2 and 7.  The sold-out event educated members on how to properly bag and brew teas while also providing guided meditation. Participants were provided with mugs, snacks, and 2-3 teas including a flowering tea.

All feedback was positive, and the physician wellness committee is working on a walk and Thai Chi events at the POMA Clinical Assembly and future virtual events. If you have any suggestions for wellness events, please contact [email protected]

District 5


POMA District 5 got in back into action last night with a virtual and in-person meeting at the newly renovated POMA Central Office. Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO, POMA President and John Kalata, DO, POMA President-Elect, provided in person updates on everything POMA is doing for the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania. The group discussed POMA member benefits, podcasts, communities and other opportunities POMA provides. They also groups nominated and elected district officers and delegates to the POMA and AOA House's of Delegates. The newly elected leadership will be bringing more social and CME opportunities to the area in the coming months. Be on the look out for announcements.

District Election Results:
District Chair: Carol St. George, DO
District Vice Chair: Christopher Scheid, DO
District Secretary/Treasurer: Hugh Palmer, DO
District Trustee: Daniel Kambic, DO
Alt-District Trustee: Bruce Franz, DO

District 8

District 8 February meeting

POMA District 8 members gathered on Saturday, January 28th both virtually and in person at Seven Springs Mountain Resort for the district's annual business meeting. Members received updates from district leadership regarding district finances, the CME conference and future plans. Attendees also heard from POMA President Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO; POMA President-Elect John Kalata, DO; Diana Ewert, POMA Chief Staff Officer; Andy Sandusky, POMA EVP of Pubic Policy; and John Kauffman, DO, Dean of the proposed Duquesne College of Osteopathic Medicine. The district also elected officers, trustees and delegates to the POMA House of Delegates and the AOA House of Delegates.

District Election Results:
District Chair:
Gene Battistella, DO
District Vice Chair:
Thomas DeGregory, DO
District Secretary:
Amber Fedin, DO
District Treasurer: Jessica Masser, DO
District Trustee:
Cathleen McGonigle, DO
Alt-District Trustee: Jessica Masser, DO 

There are still 17 alternate delegate opportunities available for District 8 members.  If you are interested, please email [email protected].

District 9

District 2 February meeting

POMA District 9 is BACK! In the first meeting since 2019, local osteopathic physicians, spouses and guests gathered at Muscarella's Cafe in Sharpsville recently to begin anew. Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO, POMA President and John Kalata, DO, POMA President-Elect, provided updates on everything POMA is doing for the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania. The group discussed POMA member benefits, podcasts, communities and opportunities POMA provides. The groups nominated and elected district officers and delegates to the POMA and AOA House of Delegates.  

The newly elected leadership will be bringing more social and CME opportunities in the coming month.  Be on the lookout for announcements.  

District Election Results:
District Chair: 
Valeri Roth, DO
District Vice Chair: 
Andrew Szabo, DO
District Treasurer: 
Dave Thomas, DO
District Secretary: 
Alicia Baker, DO
District Trustee: 
Valeri Roth, DO
Alt-District Trustee: 
Robert Landfried, DO

District 10

 District 10 meeting February

POMA District 10 held two meetings over the last month. The first included elections and a product theater dinner at the end of January, followed by a CME dinner in early February.

The CME event featured CME lectures by POMA members Jennifer Lorine, DO, on osteopathic treatment of headaches and gastroenterology basics by Steven Blake, DO. POMA President, Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO attended and provided an overview of the current osteopathic happenings and details regarding upcoming POMA events. District 10 Chair, Carol Bowles-Lawlor, DO, provided information about upcoming POMA District 10 events. 

District Election Results:
District Chair:
Carol Bowes-Lawlor, DO
District Vice Chair: 
Meera Shah, DO
District Secretary / Treasurer: 
Jennifer Lorine, DO
District Trustee: 
Matthew Shore, DO
Alt-District Trustee: 
George Vermeire, DO

District 14

District 14 February meeting

POMA members gathered at Bella Tori at the Mansion in Langhorne recently. The members discussed local state happenings in the osteopathic profession and heard a lecture on Opthlamic Manifestations of Systemic Disease. 

There are several southeast Pennsylvania POMA events coming up. District 1 is hosting a dinner in Philadelphia on Thursday, February 23. District 10 will have an event Blue Bell on March 10th and District 14 will return to Harvest in Newtown on March 15th.  Check the POMA website calendar for complete details.  See you there!


View the
newsletter online!

Table of Contents...

1. President's Perspective
2. Executive Opinion
3. Policy Points
4. POMA Clinical Assembly 2023 - Register Now
5. Proposed Dues Increase Notification
6. POMA Board of Trustees Holds Quarterly Meeting
7. District Dish
8. LECOM Primary Care Conference
9. PCOM OMM Conference
10. Upcoming District Events
11. Welcome New Members
12. Calling All Researchers - Enter the JPOMA Writing Contest
13. Classified Ads
14. District Competition
15. Under the DOme
17. Follow POMA on Social Media
18. Check Out the POMA DOes... Podcast
19. Facts on Vax
20. APOMA Silent Auction Baskets

Upcoming District Events

District 1
Business Meeting, Elections and Product Theater
Thursday, February 23
6:30 pm
Gallo’s Seafood
Philadelphia, PA

District 3
CME Dinner and Business Meeting
Tuesday, February 21
6:30 pm
Tavern at the Sun Inn
Bethlehem, PA

District 4
3rd Annual Night of Hockey
Saturday, February 25
6:05 pm
Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza

District 6
Business Meeting & Elections
Tuesday, February 21
6:30 pm
La Primavera Italiano Ristorante / Virtual Option Available

District 10
Business Meeting and Product Theater
Friday, March 10
5:30 pm
Blue Bell Inn
Blue Bell, PA

District 12
Business Meeting, CME, and Elections
Monday, February 27
7:00 pm
Buck’s Pizza
Dubois, PA

District 14
Business Meeting and Product Theater
Wednesday, March 15
6:30 pm
Harvest Seasonal Grill
Newtown, PA 

Welcome New Members!

The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.

Reuben P. Bell, DO
Maine Constitutional Medicine

41 Main Street
Hollis Center, ME 04042
Out-of-State Member 

Anthony J. Cocciolone, DO
532 West Pittsburgh Street

Greensburg, PA 15601
Active Member – District 8 

Shannon K. Lieb, DO
Patient First

967 East Lancaster Avenue
Downingtown, PA 19335
Active Member – District 2 

Lindsay Michael, DO
Veterans Health Administration

3458 Riverside Drive
Wellsville, NY 14895
Out-of-State Member 

Eav K. Lim, DO
25 Monument Road, Suite 295

York, PA 17403
Active Member – District 5 

Allison L. Schuessler, DO
16 Woodbine Lane

Danville, PA 17822
Active Member – District 6

Calling All Researchers- Enter the JPOMA Writing Contest

Submit your research paper into the 2023 POMA Clinical Writing Contest! The competition is open to all osteopathic medical students attending a Pennsylvania COM and all interns/residents training in Pennsylvania are invited to submit their research papers into this year's contest!

Judging will be conducted in March and finalists will be notified in April. All contest winners will be announced during the Opening Session of the 2023 POMA Clinical Assembly at Kalahari.

Click here to earn more. The submission deadline is March 1!


Full-time or part-time.
MD at HOME is expanding appointments to patients by telehealth/zoom and home visits to elderly and disabled home bound.
MD at Home, Inc.
Fax CV’s to 717-840-8686 or email [email protected]

PRN Medical Space – ready exam rooms for Drs on the go! Five locations in Philadelphia and Bristol. Call 215-669-4001 or visit

Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.

— Per insertion —

Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.

Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).

*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.

POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted. 

 District Competition


Who likes a little friendly competition? 

The second annual POMA District Competition is running from April 1, 2022 – March 30, 2023. Districts receive points based on holding events; survey participation; writing in publications (POMA and external); membership retention; and various additional items.  Click here for a complete list of challenges. 

The winning District will receive a hefty traveling trophy, special recognition at the POMA Clinical Assembly, and bragging rights.  Contact your District Leadership to share ideas and for more details. 

Current Standings as of February 14: 

1st Place – District 8
2nd Place – District 10
3rd Place – Districts 4

Want to help earn your district some points? Submit an article to the newsletter or Journal. Find out additional ways by contacting your district leadership.

Under the DOme


Did you catch POMA's advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?

Under the DOme is a member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.

We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected]


POMPAC is the collective
voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.

Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!

PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.

Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!

Facebook Logo            LinkedIn Logo 

Instagram     YouTube icon  

POMA DOes...Podcast


Have you tuned into POMA's podcast series, POMA DOes... Episodes 1-27 have been published and are available on YouTube and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Our February episodes focus on "The Nuts and Bolts of Contracts" and the first mini-episode in our series about the "New POMA Clinical Assembly Experience at Kalahari". Have an episode idea? Let us know!

New episodes for POMA DOes... are released on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. Subscribe today so you never miss an episode!

Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy with Your Patients

Osteopathic physicians and their practice teams play a key role in preventing COVID-19 infections among patients and communities. Check out the Facts on Vax website for a variety of educational materials, tools and resources that will help you discuss the importance of COVID-19 prevention with your patients.

POMA also produced an episode for the POMA DOes podcast series which addressed COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. This episode offers CME credit for POMA members.

APOMA Call for Silent Auction Baskets


Calling all districts! Join the APOMA basket contest and silent auction at Kalahari. Baskets will earn POMA District Competition Points. Please put together a basket that represents your district, if possible, so that APOMA can auction it off. All proceeds from the silent auction will go to the scholarship fund.

Questions can be directed to Krissy Eisenhardt, APOMA President, at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing y’all at Kalahari!



Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association | 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 939-9318 |