by: Gene M. Battistella, DO
Wow! I cannot believe that as I am writing this last newsletter to you as POMA President, that my year of service in this capacity is nearly at the end! What a year it has been! We have all been through so much together collectively as an association and individually as members and physicians during this unprecedented year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
First and foremost, Thank You to each of you, our dedicated members, for continuing to demonstrate for all to see the “Osteopathic Difference a DO Makes” by caring for all in need during this unprecedented time with dignity and compassion! I am so proud to have been your President this past year. I have above all dedicated myself wholly to this great honor of service to you and have done my best to fulfill these duties to the best of my abilities.
Thank You to all the members and chairpersons of POMA Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups that have continued to address matters of importance to the POMA for the benefit of our members, and ultimately for our patients, under the guise of our four Pillars of Communication, Community, Education, and Influence within our most recently POMA Board approved next POMA Three Year Strategic Plan: 2021-2023.
Thank You to the POMA Board Members, Past Presidents and District Leaders who have continued to demonstrate the POMA ideals of objective, visionary and fiscally responsible leadership for the Association during this most difficult time of the pandemic.
Thank You to our outstanding POMA Officers including Vice President Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO, Immediate Past President Pamela Goldman, DO, Secretary and Treasurer Eric Millie, DO, and our soon to be installed and ready and very capable President-Elect Joseph Zawisza, DO. We have continued to meet biweekly virtually, to address and advance the mission and goals of the POMA. The POMA is in great hands moving forward and I am excited to witness all that they will accomplish!
Thank You to POMA Speaker of the House of Delegates Jeffery Dunkelberger, DO for his continued support and pragmatic demeanor and to the remainder of the House of Delegates Leaders, Delegates & Alternate Delegates for your continued vision for the past, present and future of the POMA.
Thank You to our POMA Staff for ALL that they have and continue to do on our behalf! They are truly invaluable to the entire association; without them nothing would be possible. Diana Ewert our passionate, dedicated and resourceful POMA CEO is truly Osteopathic and POMA through and through and I have no words to thank her enough for all that she has done for the POMA and to help me especially me during my Presidency this past year. I also offer special thanks and gratitude to POMA VP of Public Policy & Association Affairs Andy Sandusky, Senior Director of Education and Communications Brenda Dill, Governance Specialist Tammy Keller, Membership Manager Deborah Cargill-Roan, Finance Specialist Susan DePue, District Liaison Jason Leeper, Director of Member Engagement Sara Bustard and Director of Education Margaret Clanagan. What an amazing team of whom we should all be grateful of all that they do daily, and many times nightly and on weekends, for the POMA.
Thank You to POMA District 8 including our officers and education committee: Pete Stracci, DO, Vice Chair and POMA Trustee; Jessica Masser, DO, Treasurer and 2020-2022 POFPS President; Chris Poggi, DO, Secretary; Les Pallone, DO, D8 Chair Emeritus and my mentor of all things POMA; Tom DeGregory, DO, former POMA Trustee and continued Education Committee Member; along with others on the Education Committee including Dennis Eckels, DO, Margel Guie, DO and Kevin Thomas, DO for all your assistance this past year, especially with all my additional time spent as POMA President and continued POMA District 8 Chair. I also acknowledge the late Al Poggi, DO, former POMA Trustee and D8 Education Committee member; he continues to be missed by all. I truly am blessed with all their efforts on behalf of District 8 and the POMA.
Thank You to my partner in medical practice, Michael Notte, MD of 25+ years. He has helped carry on the care of our patients when my duties of President did not allow me to do so. He is truly like another brother to me.
Finally, and by no means lastly, Thank You to my immediate family! I thank my parents Catherine and Glenn Battistella for all that they have given to me in becoming the person I am today. I cannot begin to express the gratitude and love I have for them and for their sacrifices on my behalf. I also thank my siblings and their families, Glenn and Debbie along with Anthony and Bradley, Megan and Capri, Gary and Diane, Brenda, Michael and Michael Anthony, as well as my mother and father-in-law, Steve and Georgetta Hela. Thank you all for your continued love and support this past year. Although this past year has been both challenging and rewarding in all that I have been involved with as POMA President, I am most grateful for the support, love and patience most especially of my beautiful and loving wife Michelle and the pride of my life and my best friend, my son Domenic. I have spent significant time away from them all the while typically being in just the next room in our virtual world with frequent meetings, many times at least once nightly. This has made it difficult to manage and balance my responsibilities as Father, Husband, Physician and POMA President. I cannot thank them both enough!
In closing, as I stated during my virtual POMA Presidential Inauguration Address one year ago, “Family is very important to me and is a driving force in all that I am involved,” and my POMA Family has certainly not been an exception. I Thank You all once again for the tremendous opportunity and responsibility that you entrusted to me this past year as your President. I have been humbled, inspired, invigorated and more than ever proud to be an Osteopathic Physician and Member of this amazing association, the POMA. Please continue to be safe and healthy and continue to “Live each day as an example of that an Osteopathic Physician should be!”
by: Diana Ewert
"Objects in your mirror are closer than they appear." - NTSB
It’s been one of those months that seems to be getting the better of me. I knew this article was due. I knew it was coming up and here I am writing it on Friday morning at a time that our editors (Brenda and Liv) are probably emailing/texting back and forth… have you talked to her? Not me, have you? Is she going to get this done? She hasn’t said she can’t… Well you KNOW she’s in cranky meeting mode… and probably a few choice other words as well. Objects in your mirror are closer than they appear. Like the Annual Clinical Assembly and the Fireside Chat and the Board of Trustees meeting and the House of Delegates and elections and, and, and, all is looming large next week.
It will get done and will get done well because of the #TeamPOMA we/I are blessed to work with. We all have a role to play with Brenda Dill leading the team for the Annual Clinical Assembly and Margaret Clanagan keeping tabs on other programs as well. We are getting things done with Governance because Tammy Keller is a list person. And she’s checking it twice. Things are always crazy at the capital – thank you Andy Sandusky. Just keeping up with the mail and ensuring our bills are paid on time is Susan DePue’s responsibility along with recording payments and all things accounting. Did I mention we are right in the middle of Dues Renewal? Thank you for renewing your membership in POMA and thank you Deb Cargillroan, Jason Leeper and Sara Bustard. I stand on the shoulders of this magnificent team and damn, do they make me look good.
We look forward to next week – virtually seeing the more than 1,100 people registered for the 113th Annual Clinical Assembly. You’ll learn more about our revised and approved strategic plan from a fantastic set of leaders who have shepherded POMA through a pandemic of all things. These folks are passionate about this profession and it is our unique privilege to work for them. Gene Battistella, DO, President; Joseph Zawisza, DO, President-elect; Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO, Vice President; Eric Milie, DO, Secretary/Treasurer; and last, but not least Pamela Goldman, DO, Immediate Past President. The past year has been anything BUT business as usual. I want to break into Barry Manilow and sing "Looks Like We Made It!"
To the leadership, to the team – it doesn’t look like we made it… we MADE IT!
by: Andy Sandusky
Legislative Support Declares National Osteopathic Medicine (NOM) Week in Pennsylvania
This week, the House and Senate ran separate legislative citations officially declaring this week as National Osteopathic Medicine (NOM) week in Pennsylvania!
State Senator Kristin Phillips Hill (York) and State Representative Valerie Gaydos (Allegheny) shepherded the legislation in the respective chambers of the General Assembly. Both legislative citations outline who DOs are and the access and quality care they provide to patients throughout the Commonwealth. POMA is pleased that both lawmakers were eager to recognize DOs in honor and celebration of the profession in support of NOM week!
NOM Week
Happy National Osteopathic Medicine Week!
This week we celebrated NOM week which aims to bring members of the osteopathic family together in pursuit of one common goal: raising awareness of osteopathic medicine and DOs in communities big and small throughout the country.
There has been a lot to celebrate for the profession this year. The number of osteopathic physicians in the United States has reached an all-time high of 151,373 with Pennsylvania coming in 2nd among all states with 8,784 DOs. There are 30,367 osteopathic medical students in the US and 2,624 of those are from Pennsylvania. We also received proclamations from both the House and the Senate recognizing this week as NOM Week. The house was completed by State Representative Valerie Gaydos from Allegheny County and the Senate from State Senator Kristin Phillips Hill from York County.
We hope you were able to take some time this week to celebrate all of your accomplishments. From all of us at #TeamPOMA, thank you for all you DO!
District Competition
Who likes a little friendly competition?
From April 1, 2021 – March 30, 2022 POMA will be hosting a District competition. Districts receive points based on holding events; survey and event participation; members writing in publications (POMA and external); membership retention; and various additional items. Click here for a complete list of challenges.
The winning District will receive a POMA sponsored dinner before POMA HOD 2022, a hefty traveling trophy, special recognition at the POMA Clinical Assembly, and priority seating at the POMA House of Delegates and bragging rights. The leaderboard will be published in POMA's monthly newsletter.
Contact your District Leadership to share ideas and to learn more.
Current Standings as of April 23
- Tied for 1st: Districts 4 & 12
- Tied for 3rd: Districts 1, 2 & 14
PGYP Recaps
PGYP Central
The POMA Committee on Professional Guidance – Central Region held its third meeting of the year on March 23, again in a virtual format because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Four residents, five staff physicians (including President Battistella), and one POMA staff were in attendance. Of note, residents represented programs not typically in attendance at these meeting including PM&R, Anesthesia, and Neurology.
After an icebreaker, Dr. Joe Zawisza provided an update from the POMA Board of Trustees and work of the strategic plan. The group discussed ways to be involved with your POMA district, including opportunities for scholarly activity. Information was shared about scholarship opportunities and other funding sources, especially the Wellness Grant Program. There are writing opportunities and ways to get involved with leadership through the committees, task forces, and work groups. Planning is underway for the Annual Resident Program, which will be held virtually on May 6.
This was the final meeting of the 2020-21 academic year. The committee has enjoyed getting to know this group of residents and looks forward to their continued participation in POMA.
The committee will be on a summer hiatus and resume meetings in September 2021, hopefully in person with a virtual option.
District Dish
DGD Series Recap – Abnormal Saline – Hosted by District 11
POMA's Districts Go Digital recent CME event brought together members from Pennsylvania and beyond (ie, Poland) for a presentation by Dr. Travis Smith on Abnormal Saline: The Rebirth of Lactated Ringer. We found out that “normal” saline isn’t very normal and since this subject is not frequently discussed, it was great to visit a new topic! POMA District 11 Chair Dr. Cynthia Lubinsky and President-elect Dr. Joseph Zawisza led the event and provided updates on happenings within POMA.
Our next event is already in the works so watch your email for more information and registration details!
DGD Series – Pour Me a Cold One – Hosted by District 12
There is more than Yuengling in Pennsylvania!
The taps were open for exploration on Thursday, April 15th as District 12 hosted POMA Members for Pour Me a Cold One. The virtual event discussed 6 different beer types and demonstrated how to cook beer bread and beer butt chicken - click here for the complete guide.
Different palates equate to different favorites; therefore, this is not one universally perfect beverage. Attendees shared drinks, stories, and knowledge of favorite local brewers and breweries around the country. Attendees did depart thirsty, but only for more exploration.
#POMA21 Starts April 28th!
by: Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO
Paper or CLOTH?
“Aunt Lisa?” one of my siblings’ children asked, “Have you always used cloth napkins?” during dinner at my home. It made me not only consider when I started using cloth napkins but why.
Growing up one of eight children, we certainly did NOT use cloth napkins (ever) for meals. We were lucky to have a portion of a paper towel or a rare paper napkin at mealtime. Best advice was, “Don’t miss your mouth with your fork!” But, mealtime, in particular dinner, was always special. Most of us were present, Mom was a good cook and it was a chance to share our daily events with a captive audience. My spouse’s dinner experience wasn’t quite as predictable. He had a working single mother, a nanny who taught him how to cook, and two siblings going in different directions. “Grab-n-go” meals were the norm.
In our society, many of our monumental events – holidays, birthdays, graduations, promotions, retirements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries – are crowned with food, a special meal or dessert. We use decorated napkins, special occasion plates, centerpieces, and candles to elevate the food and drink to the level of the occasion. The tableware doesn’t necessarily make the food taste any better (however, glassware DOES make a difference in wine, beer and anything carbonated – that’s another article.) What the table setting and environment does is elevate our mood. Food at fine restaurants is generally served on nice dishes with a cloth napkin for the same reason.
Read more>>
View the newsletter online!
POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding the spread of COVID-19. Please visit for all of our updates, as well as resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time.
Table of Contents...
- President's Perspective
- Executive Opinion
- Policy Points
- POMA-ISMIE Affinity Program
- NOM Week
- District Competition
- PGYP Recap
- SoFi
- District Dish
- #POMA21 Starts April 28
- How Are You DOing?
- COVID-19 New Update
- Upcoming District Events
- Upcoming Resident Event
- Membership Dues Renewal
- Welcome New Members
- Classified Ads
- Scam Alert – Health-Related Licensing Boards
- Under the DOme
- Follow POMA on Social Media
- APOMA News
Upcoming District Events
STEPS 4 ALL Hosted by District 4 April 1 - 30
POMA District 4 is hosting STEPS 4 ALL to get you outside and moving! This is a FREE virtual event for all POMA members and their families which will run the entire month of April.
Be inspired to welcome spring by getting out to walk, run, bike or hike and break free from the winter blues. Every step you take will raise money to a charity of your choice, without even opening your wallet!
Event info ►
Upcoming Resident Event - May 6
POMA's Annual Resident Program will be held virtually on Thursday, May 6, 2021. Topics include:
- Financial Planning & Loan Repayment
- Contract Negotiations & Understanding Legal Terms
- Pennsylvania Licensure Requirements
- Marketing Yourself: CVs & Social Media
Registration is free - sign up today!
Membership Dues Renewal
Keep an eye out and check your mailboxes! Membership dues renewal invoices are being mailed out at the beginning of May.
You can also click here to renew today! Your username is
And be sure to update your contact information while you renew.
Thank you for your continued commitment to POMA!
Welcome New Members!
The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.
Mussaber M. Ahmad, DO 802 N. Dupont Boulevard Milford, DE 19963 Out of State Member
Andria M. Allen, DO 600 South Church Street, Suite 3 Ripley, WV 25271 Out of State Member
Rae Bacharach, DO 500 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 Active Member - District 5
Michael P. Chiarelli, DO Doylestown Emergency Associates 595 West State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Active Member - District 14
Philip DeGaetano, DO 148 Sunrise Highway West Islip, NY 11795 Out of State Member
Andrew W. Donohue, DO 1415 Foulk Road, Suite 104 Wilmington, DE 19803 Out of state
Donald C. Dworek, DO 54 Roderick Road Williamsport, PA 17701 Active Member - District 6
Nathan J. Hemerly, DO 140 Old Willow Mill Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Active Member - District 5
John F. Lozowski, DO 901 N Penn Street, R1903 Philadelphia, PA 19123 Active Member - District 1
Nicholas J. Madden, DO 620 Howard Avenue Altoona, PA 16601 Active Member - District 8
Ashley McBrearty-Hindson, DO 1200 S. Cedar Crest Boulevard Allentown, PA 18103 Active Member - District 3
Alex L. McClintic, DO 172 Country Club Drive Abington, VA 24211 Out of State Member
Andrea Miller, DO 3401 Civic Center Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19104 Active Member - District 1
Joseph P.T. Nguyen, DO 500 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 Active Member - District 5
Michelle D. O’Meara, DO 3505 4th Street Muskogee, OK 74401 Out of State Member
Sandra Pascal-Isaacs, DO 103 Lassen Lane Milford, PA 18337 Active Member - District 3
Melanie B. Semelka, DO 108 Horner Lane Latrobe, PA 15650 Active Member - District 8
Carol L. Spagnolo-Hye, DO 26 Golf View Court Pine Hill, NJ 08021 Out of State Member
Robert Stang, DO 4054 Claque Road North Olmstead, OH 44070 Out of State Member
Megan K. Trojan, DO 1706 Scarlett Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Active Member - District 8
Jonathan D. White, DO 380 Middletown Boulevard Oxford Square, Suite 700 Langhorne, PA 19047 Active Member - District 10
Steven S. Winiarski, DO 2163 Heritage Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30345 Out of State Member
Jennifer B. Ziegler, DO 126 Alex Court Kutztown, PA 19530 Active Member - District 11
Physician Agreements Health Law is a law firm that focuses exclusively on physician contracts, with a particular emphasis on physician employment agreements. Have your agreement reviewed by Dennis Hursh, author of the definitive book on physician employment agreements. ___________________
PRN Medical Space – ready exam rooms for Drs on the go! Five locations in Philadelphia and Bristol. Call 215-669-4001.
PRACTICES WANTED: Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.
CLASSIFIED AD RATES — Per insertion —
Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.
Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).
*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.
POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.
Scam Alert – Health-Related Licensing Boards
The Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA) received reports that persons pretending to be from one of the health-related boards are contacting licensees by phone and mail about the status of their licenses. The scammers are spoofing their caller ID on their phones and have forged Department of State letterhead.
As a reminder to all licensees and applicants:
- BPOA will NOT contact you by phone to request credit card payment, wire transfer or a money order.
- BPOA will NEVER request payment of fines, fees or penalties to be paid using gift cards.
- BPOA will NEVER request payment be wired or otherwise transferred to a foreign country.
- Do NOT give your personal or financial information over the phone, text message or fax, including your zip code.
- BPOA will NOT threaten you. DOS initiates disciplinary action through an administrative process and you will receive notice by certified mail and/or personal service.
- BPOA WILL provide you with a contact name and phone number if you are the subject of an investigation or disciplinary action.
- CONTACT local police or the PA State Police if you believe you have been the victim of a scam.
Under the DOme
Did you catch POMA's advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?
Under the DOme is a member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.
We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected].
POMPAC is the collective voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.
Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!
PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.
Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!
The annual APOMA meeting has a tradition of including a cooking demonstration with Chef Tony of the Valley Forge Casino and Resort. This year, we will continue that tradition with a virtual demonstration. The event will take place on May 5 in the evening and feature CINCO DE MAYO recipes. Sign-ups will be available shortly. Those who sign up will receive the recipes in advance to purchase ingredients should they want to follow along. The Zoom link can be found here.
APOMA has also made arrangements with the AAOA to share in the proceeds from sales of DO brooches on the AAOA web store. The very beautiful and available in variety of colors. Visit the store and use the discount code POMA2021 at checkout to get FREE SHIPPING and share proceeds with APOMA.