Newsletter header

Vol. XLX, Issue 7

July 26, 2024

Presidents Perspective

by: William Swallow, DO

Greetings from Chicago! I am writing this note to you fresh from the 2024 meeting of the AOA House of Delegates. POMA was well-represented at the “House” with 47 delegates and alternate delegates. Every delegate, alternate delegate, and student delegate donated to OPAC this year. This is another year that POMA is 100% for OPAC. Please also consider supporting POMPAC. This is an election year and POMPAC absolutely appreciates your support.

The House sessions were both lively and, at times, intense. Numerous resolutions were discussed (and discussed and discussed) and were passed in order to support you, the members of the AOA, and protect your practices, whether you are in private practice or employed. Interesting to note that 72% to 78% of Osteopathic physicians are employed nationally. In addition, to the resolutions, reports were entertained by the leadership of AOA and the heads of departments. Ira Monka, DO, now the immediate past president, gave his farewell address including heartfelt gratitude to his wife, Esti. He is truly a remarkable Osteopathic physician. Officers and trustees of the AOA were elected. Teresa Hubka, DO is the new AOA president. She is only the second female AOA president in its history. Also, Frank Tursi, DO was re-elected for another three-year term as Trustee. Congratulations to Frank. And finally, our former CEO/CSO, Diana Ewert received the Bob E. Jones, CAE Award. Congratulations to Diana. She appears to be enjoying her retirement.

Prior to leaving for Chicago, I attended eight committee meetings in four days. Yes, the officers, trustees, members, and staff are busy. I did not realize how busy this summer has been. I used to think that we would have a summer break. Not so.

Our next Board of Trustees meeting is Saturday, August 3rd at the Hershey Lodge during the POFPS Symposium. The agenda is already quite busy. Also, by the time that you read this note, our new CEO, Andy Sandusky, will have been “in the saddle” for nearly a month. He is doing very well in his new role at POMA.

I encourage you to attend the POFPS Symposium. It will run from August 2-4, with the 4th being virtual only. Also, consider attending OMED. It will occur from Friday, September 20th to Sunday, September 22nd in San Antonio, Texas. Check out the AOA website for all the lectures to attend, numerous activities to occur, and hotels to stay. It promises to be a wonderful and worthwhile time.

That’s all for now. It is hard to believe that I am just short of completing one-fourth of this presidential year. Coming up are the white coat and stethoscope ceremonies at the Osteopathic colleges in PA, district meetings, and many committee meetings. Please join us to enjoy the education and fellowship that POMA and the AOA provides for you. Consider recruiting that new Osteopathic physician who may have just graduated from residency, joined your practice or moved to your town. Remember, POMA is the “Spirit” of Osteopathic medicine.

Executive Opinion

by: Andy Sandusky

I am proud and privileged to have been named your new POMA CEO as of July 1. I have been employed with POMA for close to 5.5 years, concentrating most of my time in POMA’s government affairs work.

I have hit the ground running and had the honor of representing the Pennsylvania delegation to the AOA House of Delegates meeting that convened this past week in Chicago. It was fast-paced and I learned even more about the great leadership POMA has in its physician members. I also continue to be amazed at the influence and pinnacle Pennsylvania enjoys in the national osteopathic community. As this was my first time in this capacity, it was not for my staff colleague, Tammy Keller. Between Tammy and POMA’s leadership physicians, my transition went well. I can’t wait until next year!

My outlook for Osteopathic medicine in Pennsylvania for the future is bullish! There are so many opportunities to help spotlight the great access to care POMA members provide to patients throughout the Commonwealth. This includes all specialties and leadership positions throughout the healthcare marketplace. Students who want to be great physicians, go to colleges of Osteopathic medicine and ground their skills in the Osteopathic philosophy mind, body and spirit. No matter the specialty or job title, DOs are doing it. And the impact of the Osteopathic physician profession is just getting started!

I am also fortunate to have such incredibly talented colleagues that I have the daily privilege of working with to bring POMA members the best products and services possible. Their individual and collective hard work is awe-inspiring and I am proud to work alongside them. As the days and months march forward, I look forward to keeping you updated on how POMA is working for you!

I once again thank you for this honor and promise to work as hard as possible to ensure Osteopathic medicine continues to thrive in Pennsylvania!

Policy Points

by: Andy Sandusky

The Budget is Done, Election Season is on the Horizon

Another state budget was put on the books at the beginning of July, albeit a week late. POMA had its fair share of ups and downs in the tumultuous back and forth of bills that comes in that annual timeframe. (Please check out the July 12th issue of Under the DOme for a wrap up.)

POMA is now planning for the fall and a major election cycle. While POMA concentrates on state level policy, the unprecedented announcement of President Biden to not seek reelection put an already volatile election on steroids. This uncertainty will cascade down the ballot into the states. At the time of this wiring, Governor Shapiro is one of the contenders for Vice Presidential candidates.

The full state House of Representatives and one half of the state Senate are all up for grabs, along with party control. And, it’s not even August yet! Stay tuned as POMA helps to navigate through these stormy waters so Osteopathic physicians and their patients are well-positioned in the new session.

AOA House of Delegates
2024 Meeting Wrap


ast week, the AOA held its 104th Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates in Chicago, Illinois. Pennsylvania was well represented, 
seating 47 delegates and alternate delegates throughout the 3-day meeting. Several members of the delegation also served on various House Reference Committees:

  • William Swallow, DO - Chair, Public Affairs
  • George Wolters, Jr., DO - Vice Chair, Professional Affairs
  • Donna Delfin, DO - Member, Ad Hoc
  • Robert Dolansky, Jr., DO - Member, Joint Budget
  • Jeffery Dunkelberger, DO - Member, Rules & Order of Business
  • Ernest Gelb, DO - Member, Joint Budget
  • Jessica Masser, DO - Member, Constitution and Bylaws
  • Cynthia Meyer, DO - Member, Credentials
  • Valeri Roth, DO - Member, Joint Budget
  • Kevin Wilson, DO - Member, Public Affairs
  • Angela Zawisza, DO - Member, Educational Affairs


Friday's agenda included a presidential address by outgoing president Ira Monka, DO and reports from the AOA's department chairs and CEO. Dr. Dunkelberger provided the report of the House Committee on Rules and Order of Business; Dr. Dolansky provided the report of the Department of Research and Public Health; and Dr. Gelb provided the AOA's Financial Report. The House Reference committee meetings were held throughout the afternoon.


Saturday's agenda included reports from the reference committees, award presentations, the 2024 AT Still Memorial Lecture and installation of the 2024-25 AOA President.

Dr. Swallow presented the report of the Public Affairs Reference Committee, alongside vice chair Kevin Beyer, DO (Michigan). Dr. Wolters presented the report of the Professional Affairs Reference Committee, alongside chair Emily Hurst, DO (Michigan).

Dr. Monka presented the prestigious Bob E. Jones, CAE Award to retired POMA CEO Diana Ewert. The award recognizes outstanding executives who continually contribute to the AOA and the osteopathic profession.

Thomas Cavalieri, DO presented the AT Still Lecture, inspiring the audience with his powerful stories about patient care and insights about the distinct approach of whole-person osteopathic medical care.

Later in the day, Teresa Hubka, DO, from Illinois was installed as the 2024-25 President of the AOA. Board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, she has maintained a private practice in Chicago since 1994.


On Sunday morning, the business of the House continued with Dr. Tursi being re-elected to a three-year term to the AOA Board of Trustees. Robert Dolansky, Jr., DO, continues to serve as an AOA Trustee, as well. Michigan's Robert Piccinini, DO, was chosen as AOA president-elect.

For more pictures and videos from the week's meetings and celebrations, check out the POMA and the AOA social media channels.

Call for Submissions

The Publications Committee is excited to announce that the Journal of the POMA is being reimagined in a completely digital format!  Three issues will be produced annually, with the first launching in October 2024.

We are looking for contributions in the following areas:

  • Research (posters, articles, etc.)
  • Business of Medicine (how to start a practice, how to retire, anything for independent practice, contracts, etc.)
  • Academia (students, residents, deans, program directors, faculty)
  • Creative writing (poetry, short stories, blog-style pieces)
  • Advocacy

This opportunity is open to all osteopathic medical students, residents, and attending physician members!

Share your thoughts, ideas and submissions via email to [email protected].  Submissions for the Fall 2024 issue should be made by August 30, 2024.

District Dish

District 4

D4 June Mtgs

District 4 has had a busy summer, hosting two events in the district and joining District 6 for two events. During the events in Pittston and Wilkes-Barre, District Chair Darlene Dunay, DO, provided updates from the POMA front and previewed the AOA House of Delegates meeting. Everyone enjoyed the great conversation, food, and camaraderie. Plans for the next district event are in the works - watch your inbox for details!

Districts 4 & 6


Nearly early 60 POMA members and their families braved the summer heat on Sunday, June 23 at Knoebels Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA. District 4 & 6 leadership manned the grill flipping burgers and rolling hot dogs, and provided delicious homemade sides and cold drinks! Attendees hit the park with a full stomach and ride tickets galore. Special thanks to all our attendees - we had a great time celebrating the summer!

District 5

District 5 Social

District 5 members gathered this past Sunday at Ever Grain Brewing for a social lunch. They were joined by POMA staff, guests, and prospective members. Attendees enjoyed an afternoon of great conversation, food, and camaraderie. Special thanks to all who were able to attend. Keep an eye on your inbox and the POMA online calendar for upcoming events!

District 8

District 8 Aviary

POMA District 8 members went to see the birds on Saturday, June 29th, celebrating their POMA District Competition victory! Members enjoyed fellowship and complimentary admission to the National Aviary, lunch and the Habitat Heroes Show. It was a fun event for the whole family!

District 8 plans to be the first repeat champion of the District Competition so watch your email for details on upcoming local events!

District 12

District 12 Golf

FORE!!! POMA members and guests recently avoided the rough, but not the summer heat, at the Pinecrest Country Club in Brookville, Pennsylvania. After playing 9 holes, attendees received a putting lesson from the golf pro (watch out Tiger!), and then polished off the evening with dinner on the deck. What a great event!

View the
newsletter online!

Table of Contents...

1. President's Perspective
2. Executive Opinion
3. Policy Points
4. AOA House of Delegates - 2024 Meeting Wrap
5. Call for Journal Submissions
6. District Dish

7. Upcoming District Events

8. Help Us Spread the News - POMA is Here for You!
9. Welcome New Members

10. Military Appreciation
11. District Competition
12. Classified Ads
13. Check Out the POMA DOes... Podcast
14. Contribute to POMPAC!
15. APOMA News

Upcoming District Events

District 14
Business Meeting & Product Theater Event
Thursday, September 12
6:30 pm
Bella Tori at the Mansion
Langhorne, PA

District 10
Business Meeting & Product Theater Event
Friday, September 13
5:30 pm
Blue Bell Inn
Blue Bell, PA

Spread the News - POMA is Here for You!

Choose POMA

The new membership year has begun, but it's not too late to join!

Talk to your friends, colleagues, new graduates, and students about POMA. Share why you are a member and urge them to join, today!

Together, we can DO more! 

Welcome New Members!

The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.

Christopher A. Butts, DO
100 N. Park Road, Apt. 1174
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Active Member – District 11

Megan S. Church, DO
143 Pleasant Drive
Warren, PA 16365
Active Member – District 5

Parth A. Javia, DO
555 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Active Member  District 5

Adam J. Johnson, DO
5426 Pepperwood Circle
Erie, PA 16506
Active Member – District 7

Zhezheng Li, DO
555 North Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Active Member – District 5

Monica Mistry, DO
LVPG Hospital Medicine at Cedar Crest
Cedar Crest & I-78
Third Floor Anderson Wing
Allentown, PA 18105
Active Member – District 3

Christopher M. Murray, DO
1307 6th Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15009
Active Member – District 8

Kristy D. Netkowicz, DO
2060 North Pearl Street
Northeast, PA 16428
Active Member – District 7

Christine A. Packard, DO
1705 Warren Avenue, Suite 304
Williamsport, PA 17701
Active Member – District 6

Kamleish A. Persad, DO
20 Sparrow Circle
Sewell, NJ 08080
Out-of-State Member

Kristen E. Peske, DO
1410 Candlewood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15421
Active Member – District 8

Samuel H. Plummer, DO
100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, PA 17822
Active Member – District 6

Salman Yazdani, DO
111 South Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Active Member – District 5

Military Support

POMA wants to support and honor our military members!

Whether you are active duty, reservist or retired; Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Marines or Coast Guard; POMA wants to hear from you! Click here to share your military history with us or email [email protected]

District Competition

The fourth annual POMA District Competition is heating up! June was a very busy month with 8 districts holding a variety of events for members and their families. 

Current Standings as of
July 24th:
    1st Place - District 4
    2nd Place - District 14
    3rd Place Tie - District 8
             and District 12

Help your District climb to the top of the leaderboard by getting involved!  Districts receive points for holding qualifying events, recruiting and retaining POMA members, community involvement, participating in surveys, getting original pieces published (POMA and external); and more.  Contact your district leadership to learn more!


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Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.

— Per insertion —

Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.

Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).

*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.

POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.

POMA DOes...Podcast


Have you tuned into the POMA DOes... podcast series? You can catch them on YouTube  and everywhere you listen to podcasts. July featured an episode focusing on "Career Transitions in Medicine." Be sure to share this resource with the students you know!

Have an episode idea? Let us know! New episodes for POMA DOes... are released on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. Subscribe so you never miss an episode!


POMPAC is the collective
voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.

Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!

PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.



APOMA proudly represented our community at the AOA House of Delegates (HOD) from July 18-21 in Chicago. It was a joy to connect with many POMA Delegates, sharing insights and experiences. We successfully raised funds by selling fantastic DO swag and launched the 2024 Fun Run. This event supports the AAOA Special Projects, which provides grants for community initiatives.

During the AOA HOD, alongside POMA President Bill Swallow, DO, we proudly presented the APOMA Scholarships to our deserving recipients. We are excited for their bright futures and honored to support their journey as future leaders in the Osteopathic profession.

Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association | 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111 | [email protected] | (717) 939-9318

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