by: Gene M. Battistella, DO
COVID-19 …. and now continuing into 2021
What a year we all experienced in 2020! It can be summed up nicely by the noted philosopher Clint Eastwood in his classic film title, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!” I am sure we can all comment on the Bad and the Ugly we witnessed in 2020 and already so far in 2021, but there has been so much Good, especially regarding POMA and that is where I would like to focus.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, POMA has truly been inspiring to me in all that has taken place and been accomplished. Our POMA Staff, led by CEO Diana Ewert, has with the POMA Officers, POMA Board and all our Committees and Task Forces continued to move forward with a multitude of member driven initiatives. We truly are blessed with talented and dedicated individuals volunteering their time and energy for the greater “Good” of the Association and for our members and patients. Thank You!
The Under the DOme, COVID Update, POMA Newsletter and the POMA Journal continue to provide meaningful, timely and pertinent information to you, our members, as well as inspiring messages of our members during these challenging times. I am so proud to represent the POMA as President this year, despite the challenges of the pandemic, as countless stories of “Good” continue to be told of the amazing efforts of our POMA Members on the frontlines! Each of you have demonstrated the “Osteopathic Difference” by being a calming and trusted voice to your patients, by providing accurate and pertinent information to them, as well as treating COVID and non-COVID patients alike under difficult circumstances during this most stressful and unprecedented of times! Each of You truly are the Heroes our world Needs and Deserves! Thank You ALL!
Most recently, with the COVID vaccine rollout plan as provided by our Pennsylvania legislative leaders, the POMA has been advocating for our members on the NEED for vaccines for all. We are aware of the disparities of availability of the vaccine, especially for physicians and groups without ties to health care systems, universities, or other entities. POMA led a group advocating to Governor Wolf and Health Secretary Levine on behalf of these and all Pennsylvania physicians. Government officials took note and have made accommodations for these physicians battling the pandemic on the front lines and now have provided a mechanism to obtain these much needed vaccines. Although this is an improvement, vaccine availability is still NOT available universally to those in need (physicians, patients, and others) and the government’s efforts are still NOT enough. The POMA is very aware of this fact and have heard from many of our members across the Commonwealth on this matter. We continue to work diligently on behalf of ALL our members in this regard and each call has been answered and addressed as best possible. My promise to You is that we are and will continue to address all matters of importance to our members, especially as we continue to address the matter of vaccine availability. I would like to publicly thank Andy Sandusky, Executive VP of POMA Public Policy and Association Affairs, for his efforts for our members on this vital matter! Thank You!!
In closing, these are just a sampling of all that has continued to occur at POMA during the pandemic to meet, and as always trying to exceed, the needs of and for our members and patients.
Take care and as always stay safe and continue to “Live each day as an example of what an Osteopathic Physician should be!”

by: Diana Ewert
Sometimes there are no words. No quotes. No pithy commentary. That’s where I find myself this month. I’ve always been able to take a feeling, thought or picture and write about how it relates to POMA and what we do as your team to support the profession. I seem to be at a loss this month. It’s been one full year since the first COVID case was reported in the US. The team is functioning outside the formal office setting. We are getting the work done, the word out, the business finished. While I can function well outside the formal office setting, I do better (and believe our team does better) when we can see each other, bounce ideas off of each other, find out which POMA kid is sleeping through the night. I miss the leadership, the members, the osteopathic hug… how I miss the osteopathic hug! This is about the time we would be loading up Granny Ann (the POMA caravan so named by Jason Leeper) and heading towards Nemacolin for the District VIII program. We would be finalizing the plans for the POMA Board of Trustees meeting and getting deeper into the Annual Clinical Assembly. And we are, well not loading the van, but everything else continues. Our transactions are a flat. Meaning we see each other on the screens of our computers, laptops, phones or ipads. It’s been hard. Then I think of you, our leaders and members. Dr. Battistella has spent his entire presidency so far, flat. There was no reception or banquet. The gavel was handed over virtually. Everything from stethoscope ceremonies to work group meetings to the POMA and AOA House of Delegates has been conducted in ether space. Our leaders, Drs. Zawisza, Witherite-Rieg, Milie and Goldman have been doing the same. All of you have been going through this, all the while caring for your patients. You’ve been addressing questions that don’t yet have answers. Yes, there is now a vaccine, but our concern is that you be able to get and give it to your patients. Our POMA family has experienced so much loss this past year and welcomed our newest member, Madi. Proof that life goes on. So, until I have the words again, I’ll share the following from Amanda Gorman’s poem recognizing that the osteopathic profession, the people in it, and the patients served by it are brave enough. “The new dawn balloons as we free it. For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

by: Andy Sandusky
New Legislative Session has Begun
Leadership teams of all four legislative caucuses of the Pennsylvania General Assembly have been named, all committee chairs and makeup have been decided and the 2021-2022 legislative session is underway! While there have been changes in many aspects with these positions of importance, POMA and its issues are well positioned for success. POMA is busy establishing its platform priorities of issues that seek to relieve administrative burdens on DOs, promote team-based care with physicians directing it, and enhance patient care. The overarching theme is to meet the challenges expressed by POMA members in the most recent survey, that physician stress, mental health and quality of life were their most critical challenges of 2020. POMA will partner with state lawmakers and policymakers in the new session to support DO wellness because it equates to better patient care. Much more to come!

Register for the District VIII Winter Seminar!
Will you be joining us for POMA District VIII's first virtual winter seminar!
The POMA District VIII 34th Annual Educational Winter Seminar will be held VIRTUALLY next week, January 28-31, 2021.
Pre-registration closes Wednesday, January 27 and online registration is preferred. Click here to register online or call (717) 939-9318 x170 to register over the phone. Or a form can be downloaded and returned via fax to 717-939-7255.
This year's seminar offers up to 24 Category 1A AOA CME credits and 22 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Click here for the current conference schedule. Please note, the schedule is subject to change. If you have any questions, please contact Deb Cargill-Roan, membership specialist, at (717) 939-9318 ext 170 or e-mail [email protected].
Districts Go Digital Series Hosted by District 14

POMA kicked off 2021 with a great lecture in our Districts Go Digital series this week! Over 100 members gathered to learn about Sequential Therapy in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, presented by Dr. Felicia Cosman. She provided a long-term overview of osteoporosis treatment in women after menopause, focusing on the sequential use of anabolic (bone building) medication and antiresorptive medication.
Earlier in the evening, members also received a brief update on association happenings from Immediate Past President Pamela Goldman, DO and Vice President Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO. Thanks to District 14 co-chairs Richard Purse, DO and Barry Getzoff, DO for hosting a fantastic event!
Our next POMA Districts Go Digital Event will be held in late February – watch your email and social media for the meeting information!
Registration is OPEN!
Registration is open for POMA's 113th VIRTUAL Annual Clinical Assembly and Scientific Seminar which will be held April 28 - May 1, 2021.
In total, 34 1-A AOA CME credits and AMA PRA Category 1 credits are anticipated. A tentative schedule will be made available in early February.
Click here to register online or download the registration form.
If you have any questions, please contact Deb Cargill-Roan at (717) 939-9318 x170 or email [email protected].

by: Lisa A. Witherite-Rieg, DO
Do You Color?
I have to admit, when I was young, I did not like to color. We all had to do it in elementary school. Coloring was a skill that taught us how to follow instructions, express creativity and stay in the lines. As a child, I followed instructions well, was more creative with words rather than drawing, and honestly, I had trouble staying in the lines, (though, my difficulty staying in the lines helped discover a vision problem).
Then there was the dilemma regarding what should be done with the masterpiece. At school, it was hung on the bulletin board until the next art exhibition was ready for display. The pictures would then either go in my “folder” to be on my desk for my parents to peruse at the next open house or given to me to take for the home gallery, aka refrigerator.
Though I always had a well-stocked case of crayons, markers and colored pencils (for enhancing my study notes through high school, college and medical school), I never really appreciated the benefits of adult coloring. A few years back, in my previous life as a Family Medicine Residency Program Director, our residents were asked to provide a display table at a health fair. Of course, each table needed a draw or a theme. The usual blood pressure checks, medication reviews and BMI calculations were accounted for. After a very productive brainstorming session, the residents came up with an activity station focusing on mindfulness, specifically, coloring.
POMA CME Module Updates
Last weekend, POMA’s CME Module received an update which included security enhancements and some bugs fixes. The current 2020-22 licensure is also the default view but previous cycles are accessible by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the years. CME Statements are also available for the current and prior cycles from within the module.
Please update your saved bookmarks for the CME Module to https://poma.cme-tracker.app. We also recommend you clear the cache in your browser to ensure you are directed to Version 2.0.
Now that Version 2.0 is active, we are uploading credits into member records that have been submitted to us since November. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
PCOM MEDNet 2021 Poster Session

Every spring, POMA provides an opportunity for osteopathic residents to showcase their own research to hundreds of physicians during the association's Annual Clinical Assembly. The 2021 poster session will be held during the 2021 Virtual Clinical Assembly. Coordinated by PCOM's OPTI, PCOM MEDNet, this opportunity is open to all osteopathic residents training in Pennsylvania.
Poster abstracts must be emailed no later than February 5, 2021 to Robyn Dill, PCOM GME, at [email protected]. Click here for a complete list of guidelines for authors. Please direct any questions to Robyn Dill.

View the newsletter online!

We have heard from physicians, in particular those in private practice, who have questions regarding the COVID vaccine. We are trying to obtain information and will publish an update in the COVID Newsletter next week.
POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding the spread of COVID-19. Please visit www.poma.org/covid-19 for all of our updates, as well as resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time.
Table of Contents...
- President's Perspective
- Executive Opinion
- Policy Points
- POMA ISMIE Affinity Program
- Register for the District VIII Winter Seminar
- Districts Go Digital
- Registration is Open for POMA's 113th Annual Virtual Clinical Assembly & Scientific Seminar
- How Are You DOing?
- POMA CME Module Updates
- PCOM MEDNet 2021 Poster Session
- SoFi
- COVID-19 Updates
- Upcoming District Events
- Upcoming PGYP Meetings
- Under the DOme
- Welcome New Members
- Classified Ads Information
- Follow POMA on Social Media
- Download the POMA App
- National Wear Red Day
- POMA's 47th Annual Clinical Writing Contest is Now Open!
Upcoming District Events
District 8 Annual Business Meeting Saturday, January 30 VIRTUAL 7:00-7:45 AM
District 11 Wednesday, February 10 VIRTUAL 5:30 PM
Districts will be hosting elections for District positions in the coming weeks. District leadership will be contacting you soon regarding the nominating and election processes and procedures. The Districts will be electing District Trustee, District Chair, District Vice-Chair, District Secretary/Treasurer and District Delegates to both the POMA and AOA Houses of Delegates. . Each role plays a vital part in representing the osteopathic community, both in Pennsylvania and nationally. POMA is member-driven and your voice and opinions matter!
If you are interested in nominating yourself or another member to be a district officer or delegate, please contact your district chair, Tammy Keller ([email protected]) or Jason Leeper ([email protected]).
Upcoming PGYP Meetings
East Region Thursday, March 11 6:00 PM
Central Region Tuesday, March 23 6:00 PM
West Region Wednesday, March 3 7:00 PM
Under the DOme

Did you catch POMA's new advocacy newsletter, Under the DOme?
Under the DOme is a new member benefit providing you with an update of the advocacy work POMA is engaged and/or monitoring to ensure DOs and their patients have the best possible opportunity for strong physician-patient relationships and care. POMA is THE organization that represents you as a DO in the state in all areas of advocacy.
We hope you find Under the DOme to be a valuable advocacy tool. Send your feedback to [email protected].
Welcome New Members
The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.
Kerra M. Doyle, DO 1160 Portland Street Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Active Member – District 8
Sara R. Morris, DO 1307 Federal Street, Suite 304 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Active Member – District 8
PRN Medical Space – ready exam rooms for Drs on the go! Five locations in Philadelphia and Bristol. Call 215-669-4001.
PRACTICES WANTED: Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.
CLASSIFIED AD RATES — Per insertion —
Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: box letter, all caps or all bold type, boxing an ad in.
Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).
*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.
POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.
Follow POMA on social media for all the latest news!

POMPAC is the collective voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.
Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Boulevard, Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!
PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.
Download POMA’s Mobile App Today!

POMA’s free mobile app can be used all year long to find information on advocacy, education, association events, member benefits and more!
- Be in the know
- Get engaged
- Stay connected
- And many more valuable resources
Search POMA in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the free app today!
National Wear Red Day®

On Friday, February 5th, POMA will be going RED to help raise awareness of women's heart health. Please join us by wearing red and sending us a photo or posting it on social media and tagging us. We will share any photos you send us on our different social media channels.
POMA's 47th Annual Clinical Writing Contest is Now Open!

All Pennsylvania osteopathic medical students and interns/residents training in Pennsylvania are invited to submit their research paper into this year's contest!
Judging will be conducted in March and finalists will be notified in April. All contest winners will be announced during the Opening Session of the 2021 POMA Virtual Clinical Assembly.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2021.
View all the details here.