DGD Series - Abnormal Saline: The Rebirth of Lactated Ringer / Hosted by District 11
VIRTUAL 1300 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg, PA 17112 USA
Thursday, March 25, 2021, 7:00 PM EST
Category: District Meetings
On Thursday, March 25 at 7 pm, POMA Districts Go Digital brings you Abnormal Saline: The Rebirth of Lactated Ringer hosted by POMA District 11. Travis Smith, DO, an emergency medicine physician and a Regional Dean for LECOM will discuss uses of lactated ringers, the history behind “abnormal” saline and why normal saline should be phased out and why lactated ringers should be phased in. The event and CME credit is a POMA Membership benefit.
Click Here to RSVP
The Districts Go Digital series are engaging events organized by District leadership during the current pandemic. The series focuses on education, wellness, fellowship, and networking. The events are designed to connect POMA members across the state in fun and unique ways. Be sure to watch your email and social media for more exciting events. Here are some events upcoming events.
Have an idea for an event? Email [email protected].
Do you want to lecture for a POMA event? - If interested, click here to submit your idea.
These events are open to all POMA members regardless of experience, practice type, specialty, or age.
Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.
Contact: Jason Leeper, [email protected]