Facts on Vax is a partnership of osteopathic organizations committed to addressing issues relating to vaccinations. The American Osteopathic Association is collaborating in partnership with the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association Foundation and other osteopathic state associations to provide relevant, accurate information for physicians and their patients.
Protect Yourself during Cold & Flu Season
Flu season begins in October, peaking between December and February. Protect yourself and your family by following these easy tips: - Prevent the spread of germs by washing your hands frequently. - A flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older, per the CDC. - The RSV vaccine is recommended for pregnant patients and adults 60 years and older, per the CDC. - Don't get too run down; get 8-10 hours of sleep every night. - Eating fruits and vegetables, and staying hydrated boosts your immune system to naturally fight off infection.
POMA Releases RSV & Influenza Podcast Episodes For Physicians, Patients and the Public Tune into POMA's latest podcast episodes focusing on RSV & Influenza: Older Adults, Immunocompromised Patients, Pediatric Patients and Pregnant Mothers - to hear discussions with a pulmonologist/critical care physician, hospitalist, obstetrician and pediatrician discuss RSV and Influenza in pediatric, older adults and immunocompromised patients. They share how the diseases affect these populations and how to address vaccine hesitancy with these patient populations.
The POMA DOes... podcast series is available on all popular podcast platforms, services and apps. Find us on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Audible and YouTube - tune in today!
POMA Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Podcast Episode For Physicians, Patients and the Public Tune into POMA's podcast episode - Collaborating to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy In Our Communities - to hear a roundtable discussion with a patient advocate, a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist and a psychologist who bring their real-world questions to the table and share solutions to better collaborate with patients to address vaccine hesitancy and provide patient-centered care.
The POMA DOes... podcast series is available on all popular podcast platforms, services and apps. Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Audible and YouTube - tune in today!
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Slide Deck
The Facts on Vax collaborative created a PowerPoint slide deck to address COVID-19 in our communities. Slides can be customized with state-specific data to make it relevant for the audience. The content was reviewed by POMA's Curriculum Committee and the AOA. Click here to download the slide deck.
Resources Osteopathic physicians and their practice teams play a key role in preventing COVID-19 infections among patients and communities. Click here for resources to help you discuss the importance of COVID-19 prevention.
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