by: John Kalata, DO
Always Forward — Together
Our Annual Clinical Assembly at Kalahari Resort is rapidly approaching. It’s a great time to reflect on the accomplishments of our Association over the past year, and to look forward to the opportunities ahead.
I began my year as your president with the theme of “POMA —Forward, Together.” We have moved forward on several fronts over the last twelve months.
One of my presidential initiatives was to establish a Task Force on Military and Veteran Physician Engagement. This task force has begun to develop a database of members with a history of military service. The group has designed recognition awards to honor those physician military members. The task force hopes to establish a special mentoring group to further connect our military members.
The Committee on Postgraduate Engagement has made substantive connections with residency programs across the state, with the help of our Foundation and gifts of portable OMT tables to those programs. We are grateful for the Foundation’s tireless leadership in engaging our learners. We are excited to see what the committee has planned for the future.
We continue to move forward, together, in Influence, Community, Communications, and Education. Preserving exceptional osteopathic medical care for our patients, with diligent advocacy work in Harrisburg, has been the focus of the influence pillar. Our Wellness Committee brings thoughtful new initiatives both live and virtually to our members. The Mentor Committee continues to create dialogue between our members at all stages of their careers. Our Podcast series is thriving, with a committee full of ideas from across the spectrum of our profession. Our educational offerings continue to be relevant, balanced, and osteopathic, and still the best deal in CME in our profession.
Our Foundation has developed a robust program to our students and our residents, and has embarked on a program to support worthy projects on behalf of our members and our communities. Our reach is statewide and our impact is meaningful.
But there is more to be done. Sustaining and growing our membership, keeping physicians engaged at all levels of our careers, fighting burnout and suicide, and supporting philanthropy through our foundation, are some of challenges I see on our horizon. With a new strategic plan, a review of our governance, a thoughtful study of our CME, and preparations for POMA’s 125th Anniversary in 2028, we are preparing to meet these challenges.
In his 2002 breakthrough hit “No Such Thing,” John Mayer wrote “I’d like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve.” I know that the best days of POMA lie ahead. Let’s continue moving Forward, Together.
It’s been a privilege to serve as your president. I am grateful for everything you do for POMA. May God bless you all.

by: Diana Ewert
“They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.” - Confucious
We are 12 days away from the 2024 POMA Annual Clinical Assembly where change continues! So much happens in the month of April leading up to our program. The Clinical Assembly goes beyond education in my world. There is the POMA House of Delegates, proposed changes to the POMA Bylaws that will be considered by the House. There is the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposed Budget that needs to be reviewed by the Finance Committee, the POMA Board of Trustees, and approved by the House. There are awards and other activities. There is the election of officers – president-elect, vice president, secretary/treasurer, directors-at-large, new physician, and resident board members – and recognition of our incoming President, Bill Swallow, DO. AOA will be in the House! Pennsylvania’s own, Ernie Gelb, DO, finishes his term as AOA Immediate Past President in July. Ira Monka, DO, AOA President will join us again this year along with Kathleen Creason, AOA Chief Executive Officer. And yes, the Mummers return to Friday’s banquet for some rollicking good fun.
The POMA Foundation is taking on a more visible role at the assembly with a booth in the Exhibit Hall and two on-site fundraising activities. The first is the Childcare event being held on Friday evening so that those attendees with children can enjoy some guilt-free participation at the installation banquet. On Saturday, we will hold our first “Running of the Presidents.” Personally, I still favor a Past Presidents Dunk Tank (Dunk a Doc), but I will have to leave this activity for a future assembly.
There will be social time to connect with your peers on daily walks and the welcome reception. We are devoting Thursday evening to PCOM and LECOM alumni events to connect with your classmates. POMPAC will be hosting a reception and fundraiser. We encourage you to sign up in advance using this link. We’ve been careful to ensure the events are timed so that you can participate in both should you so desire.
The education offered this year is phenomenal. Our volunteers have been reviewing and vetting content for months now to ensure that what is presented is done in keeping with our accreditation requirements and free from commercial bias. We are very grateful to our volunteers for the assembly program. It would not be possible without them. It would also not be possible without you, our members.
If you do nothing else this year, do these two things: 1. Renew your POMA Membership/Become a POMA Member 2. Attend the 2024 POMA Annual Clinical Assembly (your choice of in-person or virtual)
Oh, and one more thing… ask for “Dunk a Doc” in your evaluations. It would be so great!

by: Andy Sandusky
PA House Passes NOM Week Resolution and Non-Compete Legislation
In honor and recognition of National Osteopathic Medicine week, House Resolution 369 was introduced by State Representative and physician, Arvind Venkat, MD. In the House Professional Licensure Committee meeting, Rep. Venkat was eloquent and factual about his DO colleagues and the strong position Osteopathic medicine has created on access to quality physician care in the Commonwealth. The bill passed out of the Committee unanimously and on final passage (199-1). Rep. Wendy Fink (R-York) voted against the resolution, as well as some others because she takes issue with the process.
Noncompete compete legislation House Bill 1633 passed (150-50) in the PA House in April. The bill has limited exceptions for counties with under 90,000 people and currently does not exclude small physician practices. But this represents only the first important step in the process and POMA will be part of the negotiations that take place in the Senate. The hospitals remain opposed to the legislation. Finally, POMA sent a Call to Action to all Osteopathic physicians asking them to contact their state House member in support of moving the bill through the legislative process in the House. POMA thanks all those POMA members who took a few minutes to register their opinion with their state House elected official.
Get the credits you need at POMA24! Save with pre-conference registration - prices increase April 24! Register Today!

Proposed Changes to the POMA Bylaws
The POMA Bylaws Committee is recommending changes to the POMA Bylaws. As defined in the Bylaws, posting of proposed changes is required as follows:
Article XI. AMENDMENTS 15.1 These Bylaws may be amended or repealed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of the House of Delegates present and eligible to vote either at the meeting held during the Annual Clinical Assembly provided for in Section 5.3.1, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. 15.2 All amendments must be transmitted in writing to the members of the Association no less than thirty (30) days before the meeting at which they are to be voted upon. 15.3 The text of all amendments and repeals to these Bylaws shall be attached to the Bylaws with a notation of the date of each such amendment or repeal.
The proposed changes as noted are being provided to all members as required. The notice was originally sent out on March 27, 2024. These amendments are considered a first read for the 2024 POMA House of Delegates convening on Wednesday, May 1.
Membership Advisory State Board Adopts New Statement of Policy
The State Board of Osteopathic Medicine adopted a Statement of Policy on April 10, 2024, stating that the Board “considers the use of conversion therapy to be unprofessional, harmful conduct that may subject any licensee engaging in it to administrative discipline.” The press release states that the Statement of Policy will be effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/State-details.aspx?newsid=599 It is expected that the Statement of Policy will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in the next few weeks.
This Statement of Policy is consistent with a 2017 resolution adopted by the American Osteopathic Association’s House of Delegates. That resolution condemned the practice of “conversion therapy or reparative therapy for those who identify as LGBTQ” and supported “potential legislation, regulations or policies that oppose the practice of sexual orientation change efforts.” https://thedo.osteopathic.org/2017/08/resolution-lgbtq-conversion-therapy-passes/
NOM Week April 15-21, 2024
Happy National Osteopathic Medicine Week! This week, we celebrate YOU and that work you do every day to provide superb osteopathic care to patients across the Commonwealth. As a national leader of osteopathic medicine, do you know these facts about Pennsylvania:
- The number of active DOs licensed in PA: 12,300
- The current number of POMA members: 3,294
- The number of osteopathic medical students in PA: 2,592
- Pennsylvania is home to four colleges of osteopathic medicine.
This week, the AOA hosted its annual DO Day on the Hill in Washington, DC. AOA Trustee Robert Dolansky, Jr., DO, POMA Trustee Valeri Roth, DO, POMA Past President Joan Grzybowski, DO, POMA member Christine Rohanna, DO, and several students from LECOM and PCOM made visits to Pennsylvania's legislators at the capital. PCOM also received OPAC's prestigious COMPAC award!

NOM Week aims to bring members of the osteopathic family together in pursuit of one common goal: raising awareness of osteopathic medicine and DOs in communities big and small throughout the country. POMA is distinctively osteopathic in healthcare, advocacy, and leadership. We are #POMAProud #DOProud!
District Dish
District 3

District 3 members enjoyed an evening out at the Historic Sunset Grille on Tuesday, March 26th where they met to discuss POMA business and attend a CME lecture on Neuromodulation presented by District 3 member Scott Naftulin, DO. During the meeting, District Chair, Rehab Tabchi, DO and POMA President-Elect, William Swallow, DO, shared updates on topics including government affairs, wellness, and the upcoming POMA Clinical Assembly. Members also enjoyed a lively conversation on the current challenges facing the profession and discussed the future ahead. Thanks to everyone for a great night!
District 8

Community and comradery were the themes of District VIII for the month of March. Our DO community held a food drive for four different food banks across our district, supporting our neighbors in need. Our POMA family also came together for a night with the Pittsburgh Penguins and enjoyed a tour of the new Duquesne University College of Osteopathic Medicine. What a great way to kick off spring in the 'burgh!
District 10

District 10 members gathered on Friday, April 5th at the Blue Bell Inn. District Chair, Carol Bowes-Lawlor, DO, welcomed attendees, discussed the upcoming POMA House of Delegates meeting, and encouraged everyone to attend POMA’s 116th Annual Clinical Assembly in May. Attendees enjoyed an evening of networking and great conversation with new and old colleagues. The business meeting was followed by a product theater on reconstructive microsurgery. Special thanks to everyone that joined us!
District 12

POMA members and their families made a splash on Saturday, March 23rd at the Brookville YMCA! Attendees enjoyed exclusive pool access and free play in the gymnasium followed by delicious food. It was a great opportunity for members and their families to connect with each other, get some exercise, and most importantly - have fun!
Don't miss the next FREE opportunity to join your colleagues for another family-friendly swim day tomorrow, April 20th at the Clarion County YMCA - see you at 1pm!
District 14

District 14 members gathered on Wednesday, April 10th at Harvest Grill in Newtown, PA. District Chair, Richard Purse, DO, kicked off the meeting by welcoming attendees and providing opening remarks. District Secretary/Treasurer, Angelo Ratini, DO, provided updates on legislation, the POMA DOes Podcast series, and Steps 4 All. He also highlighted the upcoming 116th Annual Clinical Assembly. The business meeting was followed by a product theater on polymyalgia rheumatica. The next District 14 meeting will take place on Thursday, May 16th at Bella Tori at the Mansion. We hope to see you there!

Virtual Charity Event
POMA's Wellness Committee and Districts 4, 7, 8, 9 and 14 are hosting STEPS 4 ALL 2024 to get you outside and moving! Every step you take will raise money for a charity of your choice, without even opening your wallet!
This is a FREE virtual event for all POMA members and their families, friends and colleagues which will run the entire month of April. Be inspired to welcome spring by getting out to walk, run, bike or hike and break free from the winter blues.
This year we have already stepped over 2,500 miles. Help us hit our goal of over 6,000 miles!
Click here for information on how to join POMA's Team!

Addressing RSV and Influenza Vaccination with Your Patients
RSV and Influenza continue to be prevalent throughout March. It's important to take steps to protect yourself and your family to stay healthy. Be sure to share these tips with your patients:
- A flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older, per the CDC.
- The RSV vaccine is recommended for pregnant patients and adults 60 years and older, per the CDC.
- Prevent the spread of germs by washing your hands frequently.
- Don't get too run down; get 8-10 hours of sleep every night.
- Eating fruits and vegetables, and staying hydrated boosts your immune system to naturally fight off infection.
Get the latest information on RSV and Influenza by tuning into the latest episodes of the POMA DOes... podcast series. Episode 51 focuses on adults and immunocompromised patients. Episode 53 focuses on pediatric patients and pregnant mothers. These episodes feature expert speakers and offer a combined total of 1 Category 1B CME credit!
Need more resources? Check out the AOA's RSV Toolkit and Influenza Prevention Toolkit.
View the newsletter online!
Table of Contents...
1. President's Perspective 2. Executive Opinion 3. Policy Points 4. Register Today for the 2024 POMA Clinical Assembly 5. Proposed Changes to the POMA Bylaws 6. Membership Advisory - SBOM Adopts New Policy 7. Happy NOM Week! 8. District Dish 9. Steps 4 All 2024 is Here! 10. DO Your Part to Protect against RSV and Influenza 11. POMPAC Reception - May 2 12. POMA Derby - May 4 13. Upcoming District Events 14. Member Appreciation Giveaway 15. Dues Renewal Cycle Open 16. Welcome New Members 17. Military Appreciation 18. District Competition 19. Classified Ads 20. Check Out the POMA DOes... Podcast 21. APOMA Activities at POMA24 22. POMPAC 23. PCOM Still Technique Course

Upcoming District Events
District 9 Social Dinner Tuesday, May 21 6:30 pm The Harmony Inn Harmony, PA
District 11 Business Meeting and Product Theater Event Wednesday, May 15 6:15 pm Willoughby's on Park Wyomissing, PA
District 12 Family Swim Social Saturday, April 20 1:00 pm Clarion County YMCA Clarion, PA
District 14 Business Meeting & Product Theater Event Wednesday, May 16 6:30 pm Bella Tori at the Mansion Langhorne, PA

Thank you for being a POMA member! We are stronger, louder and better with you!
Each month, POMA is holding a drawing to show our appreciation for YOU! Congratulations to Carlie Hoffman, DO of Homestead, PA in District 8 - winner of the March giveaway!
Click here to enter this month's drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. Thank you for all you DO!
Membership Renewal Now Open!

Check your inbox for your POMA membership renewal materials - our current membership year ends June 30th!
Renew today to remain an active member of your osteopathic community!
Thank you for your continued commitment to POMA. Together, we can DO more!
Welcome New Members!
The following physicians have applied for membership in the POMA. According to Article VI, Section 2 of the POMA bylaws, if no written objection is received within 30 days after publication, the following will be accepted for membership.
Christopher L. Aaron, DO 552 Hillside View Drive Duncansville, PA 16635 Active Member – District 8
Kyle R. Allen, DO CareRing Health 236 West Allegheny Street Philadelphia, PA 19133 Active Member – District 1
Naiema Benson, DO Dedicated Senior Medical Center 2101 West Lehigh Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19132 Active Member – District 1
Raymond S. Cook, DO La Salle University 1900 West Olney Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19141 Active Member – District 1
Neetu Dhawan, DO 104 Pheasant Run, Suite 105A Newtown, PA 18940 Active Member – District 14
Navkiranjit K. Gill, DO 8775 Norwin Avenue North Huntingdon, PA 15642 Active Member – District 8
Suzanne Kelly, DO Doylestown Medical Associates 800 West State Street, Suite 1 Doylestown, DO 18901 Active Member – District 14
Rachel B. Liebman, DO InnovAge-LIFE 5 Kenner Court Flemington, NJ 08822 Out-of-State Member
Peter J. Malamet, DO Pottstown Hospital, Emergency Department 1600 East High Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Active Member – District 10
Samantha A. Malamet, DO 5 McKinley Lane Chester Springs, PA 19425 Active Member – District 2
Sarah M. Maurice, DO 169 Martin Avenue Ephrata, PA 17522 Active Member – District 5
Lauren Richter, DO 8125 Yellow Pine Drive, Unit E Ellicott City, MD 21043 Out-of-State Member
Alana C. Rickard, DO 5 Morgan Highway, Suite 8 Scranton, PA 18508 Active Member – District 4
Jacqueline L. Storer, DO 101 Hayward Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Active Member – District 10

POMA wants to support and honor our military members!
Whether you are active duty, reservist or retired; Army, Navy, Air Force; POMA wants to hear from you! Click here to share your military history with us or email [email protected].
District Competition

We have a winner!
The 2023-2024 District Competition has ended with points being tallied up to the last day!
Join us to celebrate the winning district on May 2nd during the House of Delegates meeting!
MEDICAL PRACTICE OPPORTUNITIES. Well established independent, osteopathic family medicine practice located in Western Pennsylvania in a college based community and accessible to good schools, adventurous outdoor activities, and major US cities. Fantastic growth potential for a new physician to take over for soon to be retiring physicians. Current physicians are willing to stay on for a period of time. Contact John Brooks, DO or Timothy Brooks, DO at (814) 226-7651 or (814) 744-8525.
PRACTICES WANTED, SELL OR LEASE. Retiring physician, fully furnished 3600 sq ft with exam and procedure rooms. Hanover/York. 717-476-9055.
PRN Medical Space — Ready exam rooms for Drs on the go! Five locations in Philadelphia and Bristol. Call 215-669-4001 or visit prnmedical.space.
PRACTICES WANTED — Retiring physicians, part-time or full-time practices, call 215-669-4001.
CLASSIFIED AD RATES — Per insertion —
Member Ads*: $10 for the first 20 words, $.25 for each additional word. $2 each for special services: all caps or all bold type.
Non-member Ads: (Payment must be received in advance.) $50 for the first 20 words, .50 each additional word. $5 for each special service (listed above).
*Please Note: Member ad rate to be used only by POMA members and only for their medicine- or practice-related ads. Charges for other types of members’ ads will be calculated using the non-member ad rate.
POMA does not take a position of endorsing any organizations, individuals or services whose classified advertisements appear in this publication. The POMA Newsletter reserves the right to select and edit all advertisements submitted.
POMA DOes...Podcast

Have you tuned into the POMA DOes... podcast series? We have released 55 episodes, which are available on YouTube and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Our most recent episodes focus on "POMA24" and "Osteopathic Recognition in Residency Programs."
Have an episode idea? Let us know! New episodes for POMA DOes... are released on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. Subscribe so you never miss an episode!
APOMA Opening Meeting and Call for Officers

APOMA is getting in on the fun at Kalahari during POMA24!
Stop by our booth in the Exhibit Hall Wednesday-Friday to bid on our Silent Auction baskets!
Join us of our open meeting at 10:30am on May 3, 2024, where we'll provide updates on our latest activities and elect our Board of Directors.
Interested in playing mini golf? Join us in the arcade on Saturday from 9:00 - 10:30 am before the waterpark opens! All are invited so bring the whole family!
We look forward to seeing you in May at Kalahari!

POMPAC is the collective voice of the osteopathic profession in Pennsylvania.
Send your personal check to POMPAC c/o POMA, 1330 Eisenhower Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17111, or charge your contribution to your credit card!
PAC contributions are not tax-deductible.