District 14

POMA District 14

District 14 represents Lower Bucks county.

District 14 Officers
Chairperson Richard M. Purse, DO, Yardley
Vice-Chair Barry Getzoff, DO, Langhorne
Secretary/Treasurer Angelo Ratini, DO, Bristol
Trustee Richard M. Purse, DO, Yardley
Alternate Trustee Angelo Ratini, DO, Bristol
Trustee-At-Large Jonathan Oline, DO, Langhorne


Upcoming District Events:

  • Pending

The District Dish

Miss a meeting? Find out what happened in the District Dish Recaps. 

District 14 Recap - February 25, 2020

POMA District 14 Members gathered in Langhorne on a drizzly Tuesday night for product theater presented by Temple Health lecture on Bariatric Surgery. Members were riveted by the evolution of the surgery over the last twenty years.  Questions and answers lasted over 20 minutes.


District 14 Recap - October 30, 2019

District 14 November 2019 Event

Laughter, learning, mentorship and camaraderie were on full display at the District 14 Networking event in Rocco’s on the Brick. Over 20 POMA members gathered for collegiality and updates from their professional association.  The group was treated to a product theater presentation on a new therapy to treat diabetic nephropathy.

Pamela Goldman, DO, POMA president, and Jason Leeper, POMA Program Manager/Districts led a discussion around numerous POMA topics. Physicians shared stories regarding scope of practice and how SB 25 and House Bill 100 will affect their practice and their profession.  The physicians also discussed the happenings at the recent meeting of the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine and the single accreditation system that begins in 2020.  Dr. Goldman and Richard Purse, District Co-chair and Trustee will take information back to inform the POMA leadership as a whole.


District 14 Recap - January 16, 2019

Technology is always changing and improving. One innovation leads to more, all in the pursuit of improving health care and decreasing pains and stresses for the patients. District 14 hosted an event to discuss these various new technologies.

District 14 January Meeting


District 14 Recap - December 20, 2018

Doctors hear a wide range of stories from patients about their health. Sometimes the “stories” are reasons a patient didn’t complete their treatment plan— “I didn’t finish it because reason A or B happened.” Other times the stories are works of fiction that don’t add up with the numbers that come back from tests. These “stories” often hinder results so physicians are always hoping to find ways of helping a patient develop more personal responsibility and control that will assist patients and doctors see better results. 


District 14 Recap - June 20, 2018

DVT and PE blot clots are seen throughout all practices across the state. Several treatment options exist on how to treat the problem. This was the main lecture topic for District 14’s member event on Wed. June 20th at Harvest in Newtown.

District 14 June Meeting

The pharmaceutical sponsored dinner began with a lecture by cardiologist Ronald Fields, MD.  Dr. Fields discussed the various treatment options and newly released research. The district 14 members, which included a radiologist, an internist, and emergency room doctors, enhanced the lecture by discussing how they approach the symptoms when they are presented to them.  Do you send them for extra testing or just put them on anti-coagulated agent?  The group also discussed what happens in a traumatic situation and how in most cases a reversal agent is not needed because the various drugs clear the system within a day. Reversal agents are available as well.

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