Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association
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Tea and Mindfulness - 02.09.23 - SOLD OUT
In-Person and Zoom option
1300 Eisenhower Blvd.
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Thursday, February 09, 2023, 7:00 PM EST
Category: District Meetings

The POMA Physicians Wellness committee with support from POMA District's 2 and District 7, has organized a Virtual Tea and Mindfulness event on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm.  

The Tea & Mindfulness event is intended to relax the body, refresh the soul, and educate the mind. All tasting boxes include gourmet loose leaf teas, flowering tea, a mug, and tea cookies. An experienced host will guide you through a mindful eating and drinking exercise and a guided goal-setting meditation session.  The event is live and interactive. 

Typically, these events would cost over $60 a person, but POMA is cutting the cost for members. Our fees are $20 per physician or $10 for students. This includes the tasting box and shipping plus the guided experience.


No CME will be awarded for this event. 

Contact: [email protected]