De-Stress the Holiday Mess

holiday stressWith the month of November halfway gone, it’s easy to begin to stress about the holiday season. Where am I going to get my Thanksgiving turkey? How long do they need to defrost again? Do I have enough time and money for Christmas gifts? How will I balance seeing my family and my in-laws? All these questions need answering. It’s overwhelming and anxiety-provoking just thinking about it.

What can we do to help de-stress the holiday mess? First, plan as best you can. While it sounds simple, creating a flexible schedule over the next few weeks can help you feel more prepared and organized. Try to discuss plans with family early and discern who you’re visiting on what day. Setting attainable and realistic goals to accomplish each week like “buy stocking stuffers the week of 12/12,” or “wrap 5 presents every day the week leading to Christmas.”

Secondly, ask for help! The holidays can be a difficult time, especially for active families managing finances. See if local friends or family can watch the kids for a few hours for some productive holiday shopping. Make Thanksgiving dinner a potluck instead of buying and cooking all the dishes yourself. By asking for help, you will lighten the load on yourself and family over the next 6 weeks. 

Most importantly, enjoy it! The stress of the holidays can cloud exactly why we run around and try to do it all. Just remember during Thanksgiving turkey carving, Christmas tree shopping, gingerbread house constructing, lighting the menorah, or whatever traditions your family does – take a step back and enjoy the moment. These are the memories that last a lifetime. So, pour that cup of hot cocoa, put your feet up, and enjoy the holiday season!

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Glenn Ortley - Monday, November 28, 2022

Food for thought; food for the soul

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