Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center - Emergency Medicine Residents - Wellness Day - March 2, 2023
We wanted to focus on mental, physical, and nutritional health on our wellness day. For the mental health focus, our residents and attendings started off by watching a film called “Do No Harm: Exposing the Hippocratic Hoax”. This film is a documentary that focuses on physician suicide and burnout. The film was discussed when it was finished and all attendees were offered resources to help with counseling and mental health care. In the next hour, physical health was the topic of focus. The activity started with a .......
...... discussion on how exercise is an important part of taking care of ourselves and de-stressing. Participants were provided with resources for working out and introduced to the hospital gym. A fitness instructor helped provide warm-up exercises and the residents and attendings then participated in a friendly competition between classes with activities like wall-sits, jumping jacks, planks, push-ups, and a relay race. Everyone was then given a short introduction to a new HIIT class program that will be started on a monthly basis and then guided through a cool-down session. For the last hour, a nutritional meal was provided by one of our local restaurants. The importance of a balanced diet was discussed and all food items had their nutritional details provided. The remaining money from the grant was used to purchase healthy snacks for the residency suite. This will allow us to have healthy options at work, especially when the cafeteria is not available. Overall, the day was a success, and we greatly appreciate the opportunity to provide this important education to our physicians! |