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District 1 Networking Event - 10.17.24
CinCin Restaurant
7838 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19118

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Thursday, October 17, 2024, 6:30 PM EST
Category: District Meetings

District 1 is hosting an event on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at CinCin Restaurant in Philadelphia. Treat yourself to an evening of upscale Pan-Asian cuisine with French flair! It's the perfect opportunity to network, reconnect with colleagues, discuss key legislative updates, and discover upcoming opportunities to connect and engage with your osteopathic community.

Unwind in a relaxed setting with fellow DOs from all specialties, practice types, and experience levels. Bring along a physician friend or two and make the most of a great evening! RSVP by emailing J. Steven Blake, DO, District 1 Chair, at [email protected] or James Eirkson at: [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there!

Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024

6:30 pm - POMA Business Meeting
6:45 PM - Dinner & Product Theater

CinCin Restaurant
7838 Germantown Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19118

Product Theater: 
"Diagnosis & Treatment of IBS-D"

Speaker: Dr. Joseph Mack, PharmD, MBA - Senior Medical Science Liaison
Sponsor: Salix Pharmaceuticals

RSVP: Email J. Steven Blake, DO, District 1 Chair, at [email protected] or James Eirkson at [email protected]

*No CME will be awarded for this event.

*POMA does not directly or indirectly endorse any product or service provided by any pharmaceutical, device or medical services company. 

*Participation in our events implies permission for the use of images taken at those events. You have the right to opt-out of inclusion in photographs or media used for POMA online or printed publications. To opt-out, please contact POMA at [email protected].