WellSpan York Orthopaedic Surgery - Bowling 2024
WellSpan York Orthopaedic Surgery Residence enjoyed from friends and family team while bowling....
General understanding of the purpose of the program by participants? The general understanding of this event was for residents to remove themselves from work and have quality time. There were no staff or faculty involved.
Why did I choose the specific wellness project/activity? This activity was able to include spouses and families. A primary wellness need for orthopaedic residents is finding time for leisure with family and friends.
During the project/program, what tangible tools or strategies were demonstrated or taught to address wellness and life balance? The take home from this event was to unplug, unwind, and step back from resident duties completely.
What do you intend to do, upon returning to work, that you learned and practiced during the activity, that will improve your response to stressful situations? The event increased social relationships and opportunities for resident physicians to interact and get acquainted with the families of their co-residents. This brings a familiarity to each resident relationship. This familiarity has been, and will continue to be, a cornerstone of our residency: family first. In addition, it fosters our “residency family” paradigm, model, in which we offer assistance with call switches, support when a co-resident is ill or has a life event and serve as emotional sounding boards for one another.
What can POMA do to address wellness and life balance for your future? This grant was a wonderful occasion to create another opportunity for our residents to get together and meet with each other’s families. Continue to offer this grant and promote work-life balance for residents. |